Benjamin Sisko
Kira Nerys
Jadzia Dax
Miles O'Brien
Ezri Dax
Ezri Dax
Ezri Dax Ezri Dax
Rank: Lieutenant
Current assignment: Counselor of Starbase Deep Space Nine
Previous Assignment(s): None
Year of birth: 2340
Place of birth: Trill homeworld
Academy years: 2369-2373
Marital Status: Single

Starfleet Career
2375 Transferred to Deep Space Nine as a counselor for the station.

Ezri Dax is the ninth host of the Dax symbiont, but her case is a special one. While the other hosts, legal or otherwise, had all voluntarily joined with Dax, Ezri was forced into it when the symbiont suffered a medical condition which only the joining with a Trill host would alleve. Ezri, the only Trill on the transport, served as the host, though she likely had no prior training or approval from the Symbiosis Committee.

[Trills]  [Federation]

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