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This is Jim Tsutsui Jr. Welcome to my web page on Landmark Education. There is a new kind of education that is a unique approach to learning. It is very dependable and the leading edge of self-improvement and effectiveness training. It allows people in one week-end to experience life from a new, fresh, revolutionary perspective. A perspective which clears up the past, brings possibility to the present, and creates freedom and clarity for the future. Rather than suffering from what has happened in your PAST, having this affect your PRESENT and cloud the FUTURE; you can have the FUTURE be a blank slate, the PRESENT be a celebration, and the PAST be a valuable learning experience. Curious? Interested? If so investigate the "Curriculum For Living" of Landmark Education.

"This website is not affilated with Landmark Education LLC and does not represent the views, ideas or opinions of Landmark Education LLC or any of its affiliated entities."

Why am I dedicating this page to a company that I am not an employee of? Well, my entire family has participated in this program, as well as many other friends and acquaintences. It works, beyond all expectations. Scroll down to read some of my personal shares about the results I had from doing the week-end course. You can also check it out by visiting the "official" web site...


Personal Share: What did I get out of participating in The Landmark Forum? When I did the program, I was committed to being a leader at work and in the community. During The Landmark Forum I saw that by letting go of the past and looking at the future as a clearing with no barriers and no obstructions, I could create things in my life. I asked the owner of the company where I worked if I could take-over the management of the department I worked in. He told me that I didn't have the qualities needed to be a leader. Before The Landmark Forum this would have stopped me like it had in the past. This time it didn't. I asked the owner 'what are the qualities of a leader?' He told me a leader was someone who was being creative, responsible, entrepreneurial, a go-getter, and a self-starter. I thanked him, and told him I was going to be these five things. I went to my supervisor, and told him I wanted to take over the department and allow him to create something new and challenging for himself. My supervisor agreed and for the next five months I did his job, without a raise, and without the title. After the five months my supervisor and I told the owner what I had done. He was very surprised and at the same time was true to his word. He promoted me to the manager position of my department. Since then I have also been a leader for a non-profit organization, a leader for Landmark Education, and have been elected to the Board of Directors of my Homeowner's Association. The Landmark Forum really works.

Second Share: One of the other benefits of doing the Landmark Forum and it's advanced programs is you can begin to really start loving your life. I have been working in my current career with a civil engineering firm for over 23 years. I started to feel burned out, and tired of the same old grind day after day after day. I started to contemplate what else I could do for a living. While participating in one of Landmark's advanced programs I recalled one of my most favorite games I used to play with my cousin and my younger brother when I was seven years old. We used to love to play office. I remember putting my toy cash register and plastic phone on a t.v. tray and pulling up a kitchen chair. We asked my father for some "important papers" we could play with and he gave me stacks of deposit slips he didn't need. I remember rolling up newspapers into tubes and putting rubber bands around them. I was the boss, and my cousin Audrey was my secretary. My younger brother was the office assistant. I would order my brother around on pretend errands. Audrey would receive important calls for me on my toy phone, and we would be busy making "important" decisions and working on big, important projects. It was a blast! I recall my aunt and uncle telling me that Audrey had to go home, and how I whined that we really loved playing this game and didn't want to stop. We played that game several times and I still remember those days fondly today, over 40 years later. Then it dawned on me. My current career IS that game. I am on the phone, I have a computer, just outside my office door is my receptionist, and I have co-workers who do things for me, and I have my fair share of "important" conversations and projects every day. My dream had come true, and I wasn't even aware of it. From that day on, I now go to work and play "office." It is fun, exciting, demanding, fulfilling, and very "important" work!

Third Share: One of the things you learn from the Landmark Forum is how "inauthentic" you are as a human being. By inauthentic, I mean that there are things you pretend, and things you hide from people, especially yourself. You can tell when you are doing this, because it leaves you feeling sad, or uninspired, exhausted, upset, frustrated, constrainted, hopeless, etc., etc. Basically you are in a "loss of power." An example of this was in my relationship with my son when he was in high school. Chris was a straight "A" student in his freshman and sophomore years of high school. He then got involved with sports, and computer games and in his junior year his grades dropped. I was sitting at the dinner table with my parents and my family and my father asked Chris to show him his report card. The usual ritual was that he would give Chris a dollar for each "A." To his shock and to mine, Chris had B's, C's, D's, and an F in chemistry. This infuriated me. I started to shout at Chris and yell and rant and rave about him concealing this from me. I got so angry, even my parent's thought I was going over-board. Days later, I noticed that I was still angry with Chris for this issue. I realized that I must have had some kind of inauthenticity. What was I pretending? What was I hiding? Why was I so angry? Searching my soul for these answers I saw that I was embarassed about Chris's grades. It made me look like a bad parent. I used to be a straight-A student, which made my parents good parents, but my son wasn't a straight-A student, so I was a bad parent. I was pretending that I was upset because Chris was failing. I was actually hiding that I was upset because I was failing as a parent. This left me feeling upset, angry, betrayed, embarassed, and sad. This left Chris feeling ashamed, wrong, invalidated, and unloved. I saw that this way of being wasn't going to do either of us any good, so I decided I would try to be Chris's friend and partner in the matter. I went up to Chris in his room, and asked if we could talk about his grades. I told him all of the above. I confessed that I was actually more upset because I looked bad in front of my parents, not because of his grades. I asked him why he wasn't getting A's anymore. Chris told me he wasn't interested in chemistry and history and the subjects he got bad grades in. He was interested in water polo, playing his guitar, and designing computer games. He showed me what he had accomplished in two of the areas and I was amazed and proud about his skill at the guitar which he had taught himself to play, and his international fame on the Internet for his computer gaming. I had no idea of what his life was like. I got all excited and asked him if he wanted to start a rock-in-roll band or what he wanted to do with his computer game ideas. He told me that music was just a hobby, but computers were something he would like to take up as a career. I told him he didn't necessarily need to go to college to work with computers, and that he could consider applying for a job with some of the local software companies which made the games he played. Chris told me he would rather get a degree than just start working after high school. I told him that you needed a higher grade-point average to get accepted to any college. Chris started planning on which schools he would like to attend. Chris now started creating his future. A future which called to him. Amazingly his grades went back up. Chris was accepted at a local university and is now passionately pursuing his dreams. Thanks to Landmark's education, Chris is creating a great future for himself, and I can be happy and satisfied that I am an awesome parent.

Fourth Share: Another thing I got from participanting in the programs of Landmark Education is being a great coach for others. I received a phone call from my wife one day, and she told me my teenage daughter, Alison, was at home and was very sad and disappointed. I asked my wife what the problem was, and she told me that Alison had not made the tennis team at school. I sat at work, wondering what I could do to make Alison happy again. I realized, that one of the things I learned at Landmark, is that we can only be happy when we have created things in our future which moved, touched, and inspired us. I could see that Alison did not have a future that inspired her at this time. I called her at home, and after a brief conversation, inspired her to go back to the coach and request that she be allowed to be on the team, even if she may not be able to play, because what Alison really wanted was to be on the team, and to participate in whatever way she could. As a result, the coach allowed her to be on the team. She got the uniform, went to all of the games, was able to stay in competitional athletics rather than regular physical education class at school, and most important, be with her friends! Alison actually was able to play in 5 games that season, and has improved her game vastly. Because I have participated with Landmark Education, I am fully empowered to support my family and myself to have lives that we love and are living powerfully.

Fifth Share: Years ago I was in a graduate seminar. It's purpose was for people to create goals for the future that honored them, inspired them, and gave new meaning and purpose to their lives. I recall making a list of some extraordinary goals, which at that time seemed out-of-reach and pie-in-the-sky. That was because I saw no way of achieving them. Over the years which followed that seminar series I achieved some of these goals one-by-one. When it looked like the rest of the goals were unrealistic, that notebook got put away in a trunk and forgotten. Just a year ago, I found that old notebook. I transferred the goals into my laptop computer. I placed it where I could review it from time to time. After a vacation I was eating breakfast while my wife, Vicki, read the morning paper. "Hey, there are two spots open for city council. Weren't you going to run for office some day? I looked up and replied, "I'm too busy for that now." My wife accepted my reply and nothing else was said. However as the week went by, and I thought more about this goal I realized that I was no longer being true to myself. At least I should inquire into this possibility. After making a single phone call, and then a 45 minute meeting, one thing led to another and finally I was officially nominated and on the ballot, running for the office of city council for my city. Running for political office, meeting new people, public speaking, getting endorsements, and campaigning is an exciting and new experience for me. Win or lose I am living a life I love, and am living it powerfully. The Landmark Forum does not end with one week-end. It continues to open up and unfold as long as I practice the principles I learned during those powerful three days and an evening.

"Remember that this is not an official Landmark Web site. I am a graduate of Landmark Education's programs, but NOT on staff."

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