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Thunderbolts #21

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letters: RS & Comiccraft's Siobhan Hanna
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Bob Harras

Decisions Part 2: Trust

The Thunderbolts attack Hawkeye but after five minutes they are no closer to defeating him and Hawkeye has fought well against them. The Thunderbolts had all agreed that if Hawkeye could last five minutes in battle with them then they would hear what he had to say. Hawkeye recaps recent events and how he infiltrated the team posing as DreadKnight last issue. Hawkeye offers to lead the team and give them a chance to redeem themselves. With Hawkeye as the leader they will get a fair chance winning over the public again and getting a pardoned for their crimes.

The thunderbolts wonder about the proposal while Songbird gets angry saying Hawkeye's fooling them, he will want them to all go to jail, and is concerned about the team's stability. Songbird flies off and Mach-1 chases after her.

Meanwhile Gayle Rogers with the NTN network outside Flagstaff, Arizona try to get the inside story and more Thunderbolts information by talking to Dallas Riordan. Dallas has no interest in talking with them and says she is going away, to make a new start and get away from the madness.

Hours later Songbird is still screaming out of frustration and anger as she destroys things in her path as she flies through a city. The National Guard shows up in the city to try to bring her down. Mach-1 catches up with her and tries to stop her from getting killed but is hit by one of the helicopters of the National Guard. They crash into a building where Songbird and Mach-1 talk things over. Mach-1 calms Songbird down and reaffirms his love for her.

Mach-1 sends a message to the Thunderbolts Cabin that they need help because the National Guard has surrounded them. The Thunderbolts arrive soon and provide a distraction for the National Guard so Hawkeye can rescue Songbird and Mach-1. They escape as someone takes a picture of it.

The next morning at the Thunderbolts cabin they reach a decision that they will accept Hawkeye's offer. Moonstone only has one question that is if this is official if they will be pardoned if they prove themselves. Hawkeye lies and tells them its official. He really has not been given government sanction since the Commission on Superhuman activities turned him down.

The last condition that Hawkeye has is that Mach-1 has to turn himself into authorities for the murder he committed when he was the Beetle since the crime of murder is too great to overlook.

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.