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Thunderbolts #22

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letters: RS & Comiccraft's Liz Agraphiotis
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Bob Harras

Decisions Part 3: Taking a Stand

The Thunderbolts consider the condition that Mach-1 has to go to jail since he murdered someone if Hawkeye is going to lead the team and help them reform. Mach-1 isn't thrilled with the idea and flies away from the cabin the Thunderbolts live in to go and think about it.

There is an unexpected visitor that makes his presence known by smashing in the front door of the cabin. Hercules stands in the doorway saying he seeks vengeance upon Atlas for helping to put him into a coma with the help of the Masters of Evil during their siege of Avengers mansion in the past.

Hawkeye tries to talk Hercules out of attacking Atlas but all discussion fails. Hercules punches Atlas sending him across the room and a battle starts. The Thunderbolts attack Hercules because he attacked Atlas.

Elsewhere in downtown Denver in the offices of the NTN network Gayle Rodgers views a photo taken of Hawkeye aiding in Mach-1 and Songbird's escape from the National Guard last issue. Gayle and two others now wonder if they should use the photo and what angle they should put on it.

Meanwhile on a hilltop Mach-1 contemplates what he is going to do while the Thunderbolts continue their battle with Hercules. Atlas rejoins the fight and takes on Hercules by himself. Atlas finally gives in; if Hercules wants to kill him he can go ahead and do it. Mach-1 returns in time to fire at Hercules while the battle reaches it's conclusion. Hercules holds a large piece of rock over Atlas' head ready to bring it down on him. Hawkeye walks up to Hercules and tells him to stop. Hawkeye mentions his talk with the Thunderbolts earlier about killing and how murderers are not Avengers. Hercules will have to go through Hawkeye first if he wants to kill any of the Thunderbolts. The Thunderbolts look amazed as Hawkeye puts his life on the line for them.

Hercules eventually backs down out friendship but says that has now ended as Hercules leaves. The Thunderbolts stand impressed while Mach-1 says he's made his decision that he will do the right thing and turn himself in.

That night outside Songbird and Mach-1 talk and he makes Songbird promise that she won't tell anyone about Moonstone killing the King on Kosmos because it could ruin the teams' chances with Hawkeye and redeeming themselves.

At the front gates of Avengers mansion the Daily Bugle arrives with the photo of Hawkeye aiding Songbird and Mach-1 in their escape with the headline "An Avenger gone bad?"

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.