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Thunderbolts #24

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letters: Richard S. & Comiccraft's Saida
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Bob Harras

The Eye of the Storm

The Thunderbolts fight Charcoal thinking he's trying to kill them while Hawkeye breaks up the fight and gets Charlie to tell them his origins.

Hearing a news report about the Masters of Evil attacking a small town of Robinette Nebraska over the communications system on Hawkeye's atomic steed the Thunderbolts head out to stop them. The Thunderbolts engage the Masters of Evil in combat when they arrive and the Crimson Cowl activates a device shortly after that creates a big storm, then the Crimson Cowl teleports away with her Masters of Evil.

While the Thunderbolts try to help everyone in the town as they brace for the storm Hawkeye encounters Citizen V. After a brief stand off Hawkeye convinces Citizen V to do something worthwhile and allow him and the Thunderbolts to safe lives.

Citizen V tracks down the source of the storms in the town but is knocked out by someone.

Atlas at a larger size tries to shield everyone while Songbird makes a sonic bubble around him so all the town people inside the bubble will be safe. After the storm has subsided the Thunderbolts go to track down the Masters of Evil. Charcoal had broke off part of his finger and put it under one of Man-killer shoulder straps and can sense where it is so they can track down the Masters of Evil.

The Thunderbolts arrive at Mt. Charteris where the Masters of Evil's base is and are astonished to discover the Crimson Cowl talking to 24 other members of the Masters of Evil.

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.