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Thunderbolts #28

Writer: Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Inker: Scott Hanna
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comiccraft
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Bob Harras

Castles in the Air

The Thunderbolts and Archangel head out to San Francisco to confront Graviton. At the T-bolts Headquarters Jolt disobeys Hawkeye's orders and decides not to go school and go help the Thunderbolts instead. Charcoal decides to go with Jolt as someone watches them leave from inside the Headquarters.

The Thunderbolts encounter Graviton and the many people he has granted flight that belong to his sky island and a fight begins.

The USAgent finds out about Graviton and wants to go into battle with the Jury against Graviton but Edwin Cord tells USAgent he's not going anywhere. Cord won't risk his investment and he didn't hire them to fight super villains but to capture the Thunderbolts.

Ultimately the Thunderbolts and Archangel loose their battle against Graviton. Jolt and Charcoal arrive just in time to see Graviton gloat over his victory as they stay in hiding.

Thunderbolts and all associated characters are the property of MARVEL COMICS TM&©2003.