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Thunderbolts #64

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Patrick Zircher
Inker: Al Vey
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: HI-FI Design
Assistant Editor: Marc Sumerak
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada

City of Hope

Flashback to two weeks ago when the Thunderbolts on Counter Earth encountered Baron Zemo now in a new body, he questions them if they plan to save Counter Earth or Rule it. He then suggests that he should be leading them and recaps how he survived in Fixer's tech pack.

Flashback to one week ago, the Thunderbolts with Baron Zemo have arrived at Attilan, once home of the Inhumans. They bring the ancient city back to life while bickering about things done in the past.

Attilan now a huge floating city they fly it to Japan that is being destroyed by unknown cosmic energies. The Thunderbolts help who they can and bring them to the floating city for a new home. On one of their rescue missions into Japan, Fixer and Mach-3 find a kid who doesn't want to leave, talking about his parents who are dead. He still speaks to them as if they were alive. A force pushes them out of the building they were in and they are forced to abandon the rescue.

Mach-3 and Fixer travel back to the floating city as Fixer comes up with an idea on how to stop the anomaly field that has caused much destruction. When the energy wave comes again they put the plan into action, four Thunderbolts carry it out and if the plan fails they will be dead. It causes some to wonder as to Zemo's motives.

The plan is a success as Zemo wanders the floating city lost in thought. He thinks of his father's failed plans in trying to conquer Earth. Zemo now has the challenge of saving a world, something he never thought of doing, and something that could be a success.

Back on Earth, the Crimson Cowl appears in the prison cell of Cardinal at Seagate Prison. The Cowl makes Cardinal an offer of freeing them from jail if they will agree to help. Cardinal rejects the deal. Cowl then uses twisted logic to blame Cardinal's daughters death (Meteorite in the Redeemers) that was killed by Graviton on Hawkeye. Cardinal eventually agrees and is then introduced to the new Masters of Evil the Cowl has assembled. The new Masters of Evil consist of Hydro Man, Black Mamba, Machinesmith, Man-Killer, Cyclone, and Gypsy Moth. The Cowl then says that she wishes to control the world and to do that they are going to need to capture Plant-man.

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