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Thunderbolts #65

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Patrick Zircher
Inker: Al Vey with Nelson
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: HI-FI Design
Assistant Editor: Marc Sumerak
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada

Becoming Heroes 1: Moving Targets

Hawkeye and Songbird have found some of the Masters of Evil as Hawkeye shoots an arrow at Cyclone's head.

Flashback to Songbird and Hawkeye with Plant-Man weeks before having found out the Chain Gang's plan and having the disk with Justin Hammer's last will and testament on it. They made their way to Paris and through a few museums running into Cyclone again. They tracked him down and engaged him in battle needing to know what the person who hired Cyclone knows about Hammer's last will and testament. Then they could decide what to do next.

Receiving information from Cyclone, he leads them to one of Hammer's many houses. With Plant-Man with them they dug through the ground coming up through the floor into the house only to be greeted by three of the Masters of Evil, Gypsy Moth, Man-Killer, and Cardinal. The three Masters of Evil defeat them as Cyclone joins them and they take Plant-Man away with them.

Plant-Man is delivered to another house where Machine Smith is waiting. Machine Smith starts examining Plant-Man's body that has evolved. Machinesmith reveals that Plant-Man is now closely adjusted to the planet's Bioverdant field and that he will be capable of activating Hammer's last will and testament. The weapon cannot be activated without him.

Hawkeye and Songbird then arrive and break-in disrupting Machinesmith first and fighting the remaining Masters of Evil. Hawkeye doesn't want to fight them but the Masters are convinced he can't beat all of them. Hawkeye takes out the disc with Hammer's last will and testament and it reveals that every villain that Hammer ever hired has something growing inside them and the Crimson Cowl wants to control the trigger so she could kill anyone of them if she wants.

Hawkeye makes an offer for the four Masters of Evil to join him, Songbird, and Plant-Man to stop the Crimson Cowl. Man-Killer, Gypsy Moth, and Cardinal all agree, but Cyclone doesn't. Hawkeye says Cyclone doesn't have a choice and shoots an arrow at Cyclone's head. Cyclone is surprised that Hawkeye would do such a thing and just before the Arrow gets to him Songbird stops it. Cyclone then agrees to join as well.

The Masters of Evil will have to change their look if they are to surprise the Crimson Cowl so they will have to get new names and costumes.

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