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Citizen V and the V-Battalion: The Everlasting #1

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciller: Lewis LaRosa
Inkers: Jim Royal
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: Udon
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada

Time enough for living

In 1953, the V-Battalion at a gravesite mourns the loss of Brian Falsworth in a car accident. Later in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Paulette Brazee as Citizen V is trying to retrieve a German scientist. She runs into a bit of trouble and the scientist puts himself in harms way and dies saving her. She tracks down the culprit, Aqhat and ends up killing him; he mutters his last words about 'the everlasting'.

Present day, in Bosnia - Herzegovina, Citizen V is fighting the same person that died many years ago fighting Paulette Brazee. Citizen V was stopping a delivery by the terrorist group called Ultimatum and tracking down their leader Flag Smasher when he ran into the Aqhat. Citizen V did destroy the shipment, which had technology by Oracle Inc. Citizen V asks more questions then he gets answers for before Aqhat is whisked away. The V-wing that Citizen V has can't keep up with his opponent but he has a tracer so he will be able to track him down later.

The V-Battalion pick up Citizen V and they all discuss how it can be the same person that was killed years ago. They find out its not exactly the same man as before. A bow was stolen from a museum that could only be fired by the man who had used it. Citizen V wonders about Reincarnation and Roger Aubrey wonders why anyone would want to live there live over. Citizen V makes a comment bringing the old debate if Aubrey has changed over time to the front again.

The tracer Citizen V put on Aqhat has tracked him to Beijing. While the V-Battalion is on their way there, Aubrey wants information on Oracle Inc. after the time Jim Hammond resigned. Ultimatum activity increases in Rumekistan, as Citizen goes into China to find his target again. In the air on his V-Wing he finds everyone in sight passed out on the ground. He tells the V-battalion that everyone in China is dead.

Comments: The second Citizen V mini series begins this time with John Watkins III, in full control. I originally thought this was going to be another three issue series, but it looks like it's slated to be four issues. That will give it a little extra breathing room and more information will be able to be fit in.

The first issue of this series was enjoyable, but I think I liked the first issue of that last series more. While I'm glad that the V-Battalion is flying on their own this series, the Thunderbolts links that were in the last one helped the series. The mystery of Citizen V, Diamondback, the whole nano-probes plot, and the mini-series just got better from there. So it was a tall order for this mini-series to top it, I hope it does but it's doing fine right now.

The art takes some getting used to, as it has a different look to it, and is certainly different then the regular Thunderbolts title. It's good in some spots while it could be better in others. Sometimes I wish it could be clearer, or some members of the V-Battalion more recognizable. It's not bad so it won't bother me a lot; its quality is around how the last mini series was.

It’s fun seeing some of marvel's golden age heroes while I'm not as familiar with them as some people are. Since they don't seem to get a lot focus in the marvel universe its good to see them here. Another character mention that is also good to hear is Jim Hammond. He appeared in the last mini series and this issue builds up Aubrey's dislike of Hammond. There's an untold story just waiting to be told there. Its also interesting thing is that he's listed in the back of the issue under the Penance council. I glad Hammond appears to have a role in this series since Heroes for Hire went under.

Ultimatum, the kooky terrorist group that I've come to like in the few appearances I've read of them. I think it's because of their goal that makes them a bit different than other groups. Eliminating borders to help bring world peace. It's an interesting idea, and not a generic take over the world stance. I'm curious to see how Oracle Inc. factors into all of this, and what has become of Oracle since Hammond left.

The title of the series, the everlasting comes as muttered words from a dying man. The bow appears to be an important item, perhaps somehow linked to resurrection and reincarnation. Enabling someone to come back from the dead? Is that the everlasting part that was mentioned or is that separate?

Everyone in China is dead? Well at least passed out on the ground and showing symptoms that they might be dead, a good cliffhanger. I like the way the staggering worked out between the time Thunderbolts comes out and then this mini series so it's only about a couple weeks between them. The last page was a great bonus. I always welcome additional information like this for reference and to learn a little bit more about the V-Battalion then what is presented in the issue.

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