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Moonstone's Dreams

In Thunderbolts #18 Moonstone mentions she's having some weird dreams. The dreams could be possibly be a lead to the villian Nefarius, who was the original moonstone who the current one on the Thunderbolts stole the moonstone powers from him. Or this could be something to do with the dead wife of Hawkeye, Mockingbird, but that's not a likely scenario.

Are Moonstone's dreams making her more heroic since she stopped the Crimson Cowl in Thunderbolts #25?

In Thunderbolts #28 Moonstone wonders about how the girl she'd grown up with whom she'd always felt contempt for show how had spurred her to save the day in Thunderbolts #25. And Her dream that grow clearer every night, dreams of a majestic and commanding woman who seems to speak to her of righteous battle, blood, and triumph.

Does Moonstone's dream have anything to do with her kissing Hawkeye and feeling possible love for him?

In the Thunderbolts Annual 2000 while in hell with the Thunderbolts facing their own fears Mooonstone encounters another just like herself only its the warrior from her dreams. Later she thinks about the Kree Moonstone and that it is more than just a conduit for her powers but also a living spirit inside of her. The spirit inside her is it from someone or something else? Since it has been forced on her she thinks it can't be her own that's how she explains her love for Hawkeye. She has tried to bury the new feelings and ignored them for fear that she doesn't deserve them. She also wonders if the reason she has refused to embrace all these new concepts is because she's maybe afraid of becoming a better person.

Moonstone pukes in Thunderbolts #40 as the Thunderbolts run into battle against the V-battalion. She has trouble trying to fight the V-battalion since they are not evil and their motives are pure. While in Thunderbolts #41 Moonstone's inner battle continues as the Thunderbolts continue to fight the V-battalion. Moonstone starts hearing subconscious whispers of the Kree warrior inside her as it starts to grow louder.

"Eight have been chosen. The Hellfire Helix is in place. Alpha beckons Omega. The eggs are soon to hatch and the eight will be reborn. We enter into this covenant of our own free will. We forsake that which we were for the betterment of all. The responsibility can only be shouldered by those worth of the power."

Moonstone considers how twisted the battle the Thunderbolts are fighting with the V-battalion is as the Thunderbolts are villains who are willing to do bad things to become heroes while the V-battalion are heroes that have done bad things to do what they had too. It doesn't all make sense to Moonstone and she can't contain the conflict within her any longer and finally screams she doesn't know who she is supposed to be. She changes her costume into something resembling a Kree warrior and through waves of energy causes everyone to become intangible so they will stop fighting. Moonstone then flies off into the sky for parts unknown. Mach-2 attempts to follow and find Moonstone but is unsuccessful and isn't even sure Moonstone is on earth anymore.

The origins of moonstone's gem are explored beginning in Thunderbolts #45 where the Supreme Intelligence tells Moonstone a story. The story is continued by ISSAC in Thunderbolts #46, where its explained that the original wearers of the gems had their memories archived inside them so when Moonstone tried to look for answers about herself that confused her she subconsciously accessed the stone's memory storage so it would answer the questions for her. The life stone is a source of information as much as for power. ISSAC suggests that Moonstone was looking something within so she could cope with how she was feeling or an excuse for her liking being a hero and to justify her love for Hawkeye.

ISSAC says that Moonstone can't close the door she's opened with the gem for information and that the gem was intended for those that were worthy of using its power and responsibility so the gem will have to be removed from Moonstone. After a discussion and Moonstone saying she has changed Issac finally gives in to the reasoning. Captain Marvel says that the Thunderbolts will watch over Moonstone so that the power gem isn't used for evil. He also says that he will watch over the Thunderbolts as well since he now lives on earth. Issac and Mentor agree to the conditions but still wonder about aliens taking an interest in Moonstone's power gem. Issac then makes it so that Moonstone will never again be able to access the memories of the original owner of the gem. Moonstone is now on her own again without the emotional problems from the stone as she smiles.

This appears to be the end of Moonstone's problems but does that smile indicate something more now that her problems have been resolved will she be more like her former self?

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