Sharing Memories With You

In June of 1998, my best friend from Canada, whom I had met on the net, came to visit for 2 weeks.
He brought with him his video camera and Grab-It, so we could transfer images from the camera to my computer. So I will be sharing some of our memories with my viewers.
Let me share also with you that during his visit we grew much closer, and he will be returning in the fall.
I chat with him regularly, and we are both looking forward eagerly to his return.
Please forgive if some of the photos here are a bit fuzzy, the pixels per inch may not allow perfect viewing, but we always choose the best shots of a set to show the world.

Here is a shot of the Oregon coast, on a cloudy day. We first went to see Keiko, the whale from the 'Free Willy' movies, and I will be sharing some of those pictures as well.

Here is another scene at the beach, my mom, Linda, is sitting on a log with her friend Bill, and my son, DJ, is on another log eating corn on the cob.
The cliffs with the houses back right up to the beach.

Here are some photos of Keiko, the famous whale that currently resides at the
Oregon Coast Aquarium.
He will be moving to Iceland in the fall, in an attempt to acclimatize him to the northern waters of his birth.
We love to talk about Keiko, so if you want to ask the Lady any questions about him, feel free to sign her guestbook, or post a message in her message board.

From the markings on Keiko's throat (below), one can see that he is truly the whale from the 'Free Willy' movies.

More photos taken at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

DJ in front of the otter window...

Linda in front of the otter window...

A strange looking bird, the puffin...

Here is a picture of my desk, with the computer, my printer, and my scanner on it. I am sitting here right now, and I sit here all the time it seems. At least whenever I am home and not busy doing something else.....television? What's that??

The Lady's message board:

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