The Theory

Rumors have speculated about a third killer in Scream. One that would not show up until the second or even the third. These are just rumors and are most unlikely true, but the theory itself is ingenious. I would like to thank Aeraj Ahmed for bringing me on to this. Below will be his theories listed...enjoy...

The Opening Scene- My Theory

Okay, keep an open mind about this one. Let’s start out in the opening scene of the movie. This scene shows that they’re two killers, because Casey locks the door, neither Casey nor the visible killer opens it, yet her parents just push the door open. That is true. One of the killers was Billy. But was the other Stu? In the scene at school, where Billy, Sid, Tatum, Stu, and Randy are sitting around, Randy makes the comment that Stu is the killer, because he used to date Casey. Tatum would then go on to say that Stu was with her last night. So, if there were two killers at Casey’s house, Stu wasn’t one of them.

The Opening Scene- My Theory

I do agree that there could have been someone else there with Billy but it is hard to support because Tatum mentions Stu being with her last night and Randy said "Was That Before of After He Sliced and Diced", which could mean Stu could have been with Tatum for a while then went and killed Casey with Billy or before he was with Tatum. The only way that there could be another killer is if Stu really was with Tatum the whole night.

The Bathroom Scene- My Theory

I think if there was a third killer in the bathroom then it was Dewey. Most people argue with me that it is the sherrif, but the sherrif is way to heavy to have been the guy in the bathroom stall. The person that was in the bathroom stall was skinny. The sherrif shows us his boots when he puts out his ciggarette, making us believe he is a killer. Dewey is probablly wearing the same kind of shoes. Part of his uniform maybe. So if it wasn't Billy, Stu or a prankster then I believe it to be Dewey.

The Stalk Scenes- My Theory

Later, after Principal Himbry is murdered, Sid and Tatum are at the Riley residence, talking about Sidney’s mother. After they leave for the grocery store, we see Mr. Ghostface in the bushes, following them. Next scene is at the video store where Randy is working. Stu and Billy are there. Wait, one of them was just watching Tatum and Sid? I guess either one could have quickly watched where Sid was going, and hopped over to the video store to create an alibi. But in the next scene, Sid and Tatum are at the supermarket, being again watched by Mr. Ghostface. Why would either Billy or Stu go to all that trouble just to watch two girls who were going to be at Stu’s house that night anyway? I’ll tell you why, because a third different person followed them from school. It was (possibly) the same person who attacked Sid in the bathroom, because neither Billy nor Stu had the time to get in there ahead of her.

The Stalk Scenes- My Theory

I have to agree with you here on most of this, while I can't agree 100% I do agree about 90%. The third person could be a prankster, or could have been Billy or Stu, because there may have been Time Lapses or Editing errors. If there was a third killer then this is a good place to support the theory. Also after the stalk scenes, at the video store, there is more evidence to support Randy being the third killer, but keep in mind if Randy is a third killer Stu couldn't possibly know about it. After Billy gives Randy his stern lecture, he walks away and gives Randy this look, a look that says "Be Ready for Tonight".

Tatum's Death- My Theory

At Stu’s party, Tatum is murdered. By who? Well, you might say either Billy or Stu could have easily done it. Or could they? Stu was greeting people into his house. How could he have slinked away, gotten dressed, and killed Tatum without being noticed? Okay, he’s out. So, it’s just Billy. Billy did NOT arrive at the party until Tatum was killed, so it must have been him, right? Nope. The killer entered through the house, killed Tatum, and went back into the house. If it was Billy, Sid would have noticed him. But, if it was just a regular person, who would have known?

Tatum's Death- My Theory

I agree to some extent but I still have beliefs that Billy is probablly the killer here, while Stu was greeting guests and tending to everyone swooning over Gale Weathers, Billy could have came through a door that was out of sight, killed Tatum and sneaked out unnoticed, but there could be a third person here. Billy would only be the one possibility of no third killer being here. Two things, if there was a third killer, it may have been Randy, because right before Tatum goes into the garage, Randy tells Sid and Dewey that he is going to get his camera. It could only be Randy if Stu didn't know about him being a third killer, because if Stu knew Randy was in on it then the whole video store scene would be pointless. I still think it was Billy because when Billy comes in later at the party he gives Stu a look that says "Everything is taken care of".

Faking Billy's Death- My Theory

Another point is the scene where Sid locks the door on Ghostface in the bedroom after Billy is (not) killed. As she runs down the stairs, Ghostface appears again in 4 seconds (calculated from the time the banging on the bedroom door stopped to when Sid saw Ghostface). Now Stu was locked in, and Billy was playing dead and ALSO locked in. So, it could have been a third killer. But I’ll be the first to acknowledge that there was a second door behind the one Sid locked. So, if that door led back into the house somewhere, it still could have been Stu. But,  I don’t think so.

Faking Billy's Death- My Theory

I think it was Stu the whole time, unless Stu was locked in and there wasn't another door. If Stu knew about a third killer then that supposed "Third Killer" could have been helping Stu at this point because of the locked doors. If it was a third killer then there is no way possible for it to be Randy. So I kinda disagree here, I think Stu was able to get out the door and circle around to get Sidney.

We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes- My Theory

Watch Billy in the final scene with Stu. He is obviously commanding him. And when Billy tells Sid of his real motive, Stu looks shocked! He was clueless! A complete nutcase that would help Billy when his other guy (or girl) couldn’t. And it looked like Billy was going to kill Stu anyway, the way he started to slice him in the kitchen. Getting rid of him would be logical, since Billy already had another accomplice.

We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes- My Theory

I have a long list before we get to Billy's madness. Dewey is stabbed in the beck right? Ok, why though? Stu and Billy will always be famous for their killings. Billy and Stu usually slice and dice their victims, but not this time, they just stab Dewey in the back. Maybe because they didn't want him to die. I also noticed that right after Dewey is stabbed, Ghostface chases Sidney into the police jeep. He has Dewey's keys, now he could have just taken them...but a more logical explanation would be Dewey giving him the keys just in case Sidney hops in his Jeep. This is another probable cause for Dewey to be a 3rd Killer. I noticed right before Randy and Stu run towards Sidney and confront her, Randy is holding his leg. Why? Because it is possible for him to be a third killer, some say that it was the bottle of beer that was thrown at Ghostface by Tatum. This proves that Randy wasn't the one who killed Tatum because when he explained the rules he was fine but when he and Stu confronted Sid he was limping and holding his leg. In the final scene where Sidney is in Dewey's police jeep with Ghostface she kicks him alot and ends up kicking him right in the leg...uh oh...Randy is limping and Ghostface was kicked in the leg...what does this tell you? Another thing you forgot to mention is when Billy shoots Randy, he could have shot him in the head, heart or throat but he shot him in the shoulder. Why? Because maybe he didn't want Randy to die, maybe Randy was supposed to help him after he "got rid of Stu" which you state in your theory as Billy commanding Stu and Stu's response to Billy's motive. You are right, Stu is shocked. Stu would really simply have to be out of his mind to help kill people, so Stu's motive of "Peer Pressure" is true 100%. After Billy killed Stu, him and Randy would carry on and plan a sequel. Randy had a good motive for killing Sid, it was Sidney never going out with him or not showing an interest in him.

Kevin Williamson- My Theory

I have a final thought. Kevin Williamson stated that he had the outlines for Scream 2 and Scream 3 when he wrote Scream. So, it’s perfectly possible that he put an invisible third killer in Scream, to be revealed in Scream 2. And facts support that. Ghostface is in Scream: The Sequel. Why? Because Ghostface was never vanquished in the original Scream. And we have returning characters (Dewey, Randy, Gale) that all have visible motives.

Kevin Williamson- My Theory

I agree with you here. Ghostface will show up in the sequel because,

A: Some psycho wants to carry on the legend,

B: Two psychos want to carry on the legend or

C: The third killer, whoever he/she may be wants revenge and will stop at nothing to get it.

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