Fabian Nicieza

A Birthday Tribute

Fabian Nicieza was born December 31, 1961 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. When he was three years old his family moved to the United States. He learned to read and write from comic books. (Fabian and his older brother had watched old Superman and Batman serials on Argentian TV and recognized the characters when they saw the comic books.)

Fabian grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Rutgers University in 1983 with a degree in Advertising and Public Relations. While going to the the university he did an internship at ABC Television. From 1983-5 he worked at Berkley Publishing, first in the Production Department, then as a Managing editor.

In 1985 he was hired at Marvel as a Manufacting Assistant, and a few months later moved over to the Advertising Department in the Manager position. While in these jobs Fabian also wrote articles for Marvel Age magazine

In 1987 Fabian had his first published comic story: Psi-Force #9. This comics was part of Marvel's short lived experiment called the New Universe. Marvel's rather poor promotion the comics lead to the canceling of all titles less than three years after they had begun. Marvel also did nothing to alleviate reader's fears at the beginning, that their old favorite titles would be canceled in favor of the new titles. That created reader hostility to the titles, ulitimately dooming them before they even started. But the writers were determinded to continue on as long as they could. Fabian came in as regular writer on Psi-Force after the writers of the New Universe titles knew the handwriting was on the wall, several of the titles had already been canceled. Fabian's first regular issue was #16 (late 1987), he wrote the title until it's last issue, #32 (early 1989).

In 1989 Fabian had his first association with the X-men. In the reprint series Classic X-men he wrote backup stories in #36 and #37. He also wrote stories in some of the Atlantis Attacks crossover annuals of that year.

1990 was a signifigant year for Fabian at Marvel. That marked the beginnings of Fabian's longest run on a comic that he started- New Warriors. It also was the year that the limited series that utimately lead into Fabian's second longest run on a comic he started- Nomad. He also started his one year run on the Alpha Flight series that year, an eight month stint on Avengers, and four month storyline in Avengers Spotlight. Also in this year Fabian became the line editor for Marvel's comics line for young children- Star Comics.

In 1991 Fabian joined Rob Leifield in creating X-Force out of the New Mutant series. Fabian's run on the series would last until issue 43 in 1995.

1992 was my introduction to the writing skills of Fabian Nicieza. His first issue of X-men- #12, was my first regular issue of the series. Fabian was able to grow and define the characters far more than anyone before or after has. All this in just 33 issue run! (X-men #45, in 1995, was his last issue.)

On the family front, Fabian become a father for the first time in 1994.

Fabian didn't complete disappear from Marvel after leaving X-men but the number of comics he wrote for them dropped substantially. The short lived second Captain Marvel series, and perhaps somewhat embarrassingly, the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. In mid 1996 Fabian left Marvel to become the Editor in Chief of Acclaim comics, a reformation of Valiant Comics. Fabian didn't stop writing comics however, while at Acclaim. He created an original series, Troublemakers, and a revamp of the old Valiant character- Turok. He also worked on a miniseries for DC. Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare. He also penciled and wrote a two part story called "Life Bytes" published as backup stories in X-Flies Special #1 (yes X-Flies is correct- it was a parody comic on the X-files.)and Dirtbag #7 for a small independent comic company called Twist and Shout comics. While at Acclaim Fabian also penned a Turok novella, still availible online.

Acclaim, however did not prove to be the stable and growing company the employees had thought it would be. In 1998, Fabian resigned as Editor in Chief and returned to Marvel. First helping out Alan Davis in the Magneto War storyline in X-men, then as the writer on the new Gambit series. In the meantime, Fabian had became a father for the second time when his younger daughter was born in 1997.

Besides the Gambit series in 1999, Fabian also wrote two Justice League stories for DC, and a one shot for Marvel called Heros Reborn: Young Allies.

In 2000 Fabian completed a 24 issue run on the Gambit book, having won wide critical acclaim from the readers for his work on the title. Fabian also became the regular writer on the Thunderbolts series, soon winning readers of that series over as well. It continues to be one of the few Marvel titles who's sales and readership continues to grow. He published two stories for DC: a one shot called Supermen of America, and a two part Elseworlds story called Justice League America: Created Equal. He also wrote a follow up miniseries to 1998's Magneto Rex, called Magneto: Dark Seductions At the end of the year a six part limited series called X-men Forever, was released. This limited series ended Fabian's connection to the X-office, at least for now.

For the coming year Fabian has the Thunderbolts series, and two limited series coming out. First, in January a Spiderman one, then later in the year spinning off a popular Thunderbolts character, Citizen V.

(Thanks to Seth for this picture of himself with Fabian and Yannick Paquette from the San Diego Comic Con 2000)

Here's to nearly 15 years of wonderful storytelling! Hope the future is even brighter than your fondest moment of the past!
your online friend, Keri



" Man, you and I go back to 1986. I knew you when you were 30(do the Math). Now here you are 14 years later and still a year older then me... Jeez. I guess when I turn 44, Ill have to look forward to a homage page, and then in a couple of more years... Social Security! I can't believe Tracey has put up with you this long.. Congrats on a special Birthday. I miss the old days(but not enough to relive them ;oP )...Your Friend for another ten...
Mark McK"


I always liked Fabian's Gambit all the way back to his X-Men writing days but when he came back to write the Gambit series, I couldn't have been more impressed. The first year did what many said couldn't be done. Revitilize the character and prove that Gambit could carry a book and it could be great. Even those who said the character should never have gotten a series grudgingly admitted that it was good. Fabian acknowledged past history without letting it bog him down and created a supporting cast in Jean-Luc, Courier, Fontenelle, the Mengos, Mercy, etc. that was better than many books have ever had in much longer runs. The book had direction and character development and growth. And Fabian showed he could work that same magic with Thunderbolts following a good lead and making it even better. With Fabian's writing even if I don't always agree with direction, I know there will be a direction, characterization and plot to support the concept and make one think
- Faith


I would to say that Fabian is my all time favorite comicbook writer. During his run on X-Men, I became enchanted with his storylines. I also appreciate the fact that Fabian takes the time and listens to the fans. Sad to say, many people in the comicbook industry really do not care about their fans, just their egos. Fabian has always tried his best to work with all parties without anyone being insulted. My favortism for Fabian grew when he took on Gambit. From the start many people who weren't fans predicted that the book will fall after a mere five to ten issues. Instead, Fabian helped boost Gambit's popularity and gave more depth to the character. Many non-gambit fans begun to like the character. This happened because of Fabian's creative and intriguing plotlines. Unfortuanetly Fabian doesn't work on the book anymore, but he still proves to be a wonderful writer. So far I am enjoying X-men Forever and his book Thunderbolts. I wish Fabian the best in the future and hopefully we can get more wonderful stories out of him. A Fabian fan :)


Fabian if there were a God of Comics...
it would not be you.
You'd be the one writing him.


Fabian you're a witty and clever man. I hope you get recognized for the brilliance that is you.


To Fabian:
A man that is a master at the art of storytelling in comics ... hope you all the best in family and career... HAPPY B-DAY FABIAN!!! was a pleasure to meet ya in San Diego.


Dear Fabian:
Happy Birthday from, yes, another fan! I have been interested in the Gambit/ Rogue romance since 1991 -- always exploring the possibilities between two rather spectacular and inspiring characters. Your efforts at uniting the two of them have been appreciated. Thank you for using your talents in a way that makes an attempt to reach the fans. Sincerely,
Adrienne Laura McKenzie


"Buenos cumpleanos, senor Nicieza. Thank you for showing us fantastic worlds beyond our imagining with human nature to increase our understanding and . . . Gambit in boxers to start us drooling!"


Happy Birthday Fabian! just think 39 years ago today somewhere deep in the heartland of south america a very special capricorn baby boy was ushered into this world destined to touch and change the lives of countless faceless fans everywhere with immortal stories such as GAMBIT 5 which is in my humble opinion the BEST comic ever written! if fact fabian is about the only marvelite to recognize and appreciate the special bond that exists for so many of us fans between gambit and rogue two of my favorite x-men! my young son is five but a few years ago based on a simple box of cards and not any knowledge of the existing tale[god i didn't even know X-MEN was a tv show ]so it just goes to show how uniquely amazing it is that my son would put the two of them together and insist on a story about them that nite. i remember askin him if they were brother and sister or just friends and he said "mommy they are VERY good friends - they love each other!" don't ask me why or how but every word is true! and so every nite ever since i have been relating tales of these two wonderful characters and have called upon much of what Fabian has brought to both of them as inspiration. I only hope that time will prove that the talent i know is so abundantly obvious to me gets championed once again as i truly believe fabian is about the most talented writer in comics today! thanks fabian please realize how many people young and old have been touched by your words and are better people for it!


Fabian Nicieza works (by publishing month/year, not cover date):
1986- Marvel Age magazine: 38, 39, 41. (41 is an interview with Stan Lee.)
1987- Psi-Force: 9, 13, 16(Becomes regular writer of the title for the rest of it's run.), Codename Spitfire
1988-Psi-Force, Daredevil: 258, Web of Spiderman: 38-39, The Draft, Solo Avengers: 15, Marvel Comics Presents: 14-15
1989-Psi-Force, Avengers Annual: 18, Avengers Spotlight: 24, West Coast Avengers Annual: 4, Iron Man Annual: 10, Marvel Comics Presents: 19,20, 23, 35, 42, 46, Web of Spiderman Annual: 1989, Classic X-men: 36-37 (back up stories)
1990-Alpha Flight (regular writer from issues 87-101), Avengers 317-324, Avengers Spotlight 31-34, Avengers West Coast 58, Captain America Annual, Dr Strange 25, Iron Man 255, Marvel Comics Presents 51-53, 72, Marvel Superheroes 1, 3, New Mutants 91, 98, 99, New Warriors (creator of series, writes 1-53), Nomad LS
1991-Alpha Flight, New Warriors, X-Force (co-creator with Rob Lefield, regular writer through 43), Avengers 341-342, Adventures of Captain America LS, Captain America Annual, Marvel Comics Presents 83, New Mutants 100 (ends series, goes into X-force), New Mutants Annual 7, New Warriors Annual 1, NFL Superpro 1, X- factor 69, X-Factor Annual 6, Uncanny X-men 279-280, Uncanny X-men Annual 15
1992-New Warriors, X-Force, Nomad (writes complete series 1-25), X-Men (becomes regular writer issues 12-45), Cable Blood and Metal LS, Marvel Comics Presents 107, New Warriors Annual, Soviet Super Soldiers, X-Factor Annual, X-Force Annual, Stryfe's Strike File, X-men Annual, Marvel Holiday Special 2, Night Thrasher LS
1993-New Warriors, X-Force, Nomad, X-men, Cable (creator of tile, writes issues 1-10), Deadpool Circle Chase LS 1-4, Night Thrasher (creator of title, writes issues 1-12), Nova (creator of title, writes 1-7), X-men Unlimited 2-3
1994-X-men, X-Force, New Warriors, Cable, Nomad, Nova, Justice LS, Marvel Comic Presents 159-163, X-Force Annual, X-men Wedding Album
1995-X-men, X-Force, Captain Marvel (creates series, writes all 6 issues), Amazing X-men (AOA- 4 issues), Gambit and the X-ternals (AOA- 4 issues), What if 69, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers (issues 1-2, 4-6), Ninja Raiders/VR Troopers flipbook (issues 1-2, 4-5), Professor Xavier and the X-Men 3-4, Two-Gun Kid Sunset Riders 1-2, Spiderman Unlimited 11, Spiderman: The Final Adventure LS
1996- Amazing Spiderman Annual, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Captain Marvel, Justice League: Midsummers Nightmare, Troublemakers (creator of series and characters, writer of full run), Turok (creator of series), X0 Manowar/Iron Man Heavy Metal, Life Bytes (original creator owned two part short story, both written and pencilled by Fabian)
1997-Troublemakers, Turok, editor of Man of the Atom
1998-Troublemakers, Turok, also online Turok novella, Gambit (issues 1-24), Wolverine 132
1999-Gambit, X-men the Magneto War 1, Uncanny X-men 366-367, X-men 86-87, Gambit 99 Annual, Wolverine 146-147, Heroes Reborn: Young Allies, Justice League Annual, Justice League 80 page giant, Gambit cyber comic (at Marvel's former online site, no longer availible online)
2000-Gambit, Gambit 2000 Annual, Thunderbolts, Thunderbolts Annual 2000, Justice League: Created Equal (Elseworlds two parter), Magneto: Dark Seductions LS, X-men Forever LS
2001- Thunderbolts, X-men Forever LS, Spiderman: Life Lines, Citizen V and the V Battalion LS

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