Star Trek: Voyager


[Night] [Drone] [ Extreme Risk] [In the Flesh] [Once Upon a Time] [Timeless] [Infinite Regress] [Nothing Human] [Thirty Days] [Counterpoint]


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Great episode. I loved the scenes with Seven acting like a mother to this new Borg drone, which I was glad didn't turn into a bad drone like it seemed like it was going to on the preview. The special effects in this episode were great especially the borg fetus and the nebula. Is it just me or in the TNG episode "Q Who" did they not have Borg babies, and yet Seven says the borg don't reproduce. I also liked the Borg sphere instead of the normal borg cube, it lets us know that the sphere wasn't just for First Contact. Voyager is off to a great start this year, 8 out of 10.

"Extreme Risk"

"Extreme Risk" was a great episode! The two storylines were great. I felt real sorry for B'Elanna when she was trying to cope with the loss of her Maquis friends, but I was glad when Chakotay made her face her fears on the holodeck, great scene! Personally, I think that the holodeck safety protocols shouldn't be able to be turned off, but on the other hand holographic weapons have proved useful. (Ex.- "Star Trek: First Contact" and this season's "Drone") Although B'Elanna's problems were hinted at in "Drone", I think this episode might have had a little more impact if it had been developed over a few more episodes, such as B'Elanna running a holodeck program in a small scene of an episode. I know that the misconduct of Paris in Season 2 led up very nicely to "Investigations", it didn't just come out of nowhere. On to the shuttle, it was great! I liked the design, especially Paris's Captain Proton controls and the fins that he wanted to add to make a space "hotrod". Hopefully, this shuttle will help end some of the shuttle problems, just don't let Chakotay fly it! Hope they build more. By the way, let's hope that the Malon don't become Season 5's Kazon. Just a few episodes with them and let's get out of their region! "Extreme Risk" gets a 9 out of 10.

"In the Flesh"

First of all, this was a great episode, the best so far this year! ("Timeless" will probally beat it though!) I thought all the scenes with Starfleet Headquarters were wonderfully done. If you didn't know you would think you were on Earth. At the beginning I couldn't tell wether or not it was Species 8472 investigating Earth or Chakotay investing the holo-creation. And peace with Species 8472! WOW! I was not expecting that at all, but I really liked the idea once it was presented. Luckily Seven didn't screw it up this time like she did in "Prey". I really liked the return of Boothby. I like the alien version better than the one seen on the Next Generation. I don't know why I just do for some reason. I thought it was interesting that a gardener was a higher rank than an admiral. Hey, if they make peace with Species 8472, maybe Voyager will get a faster way home! Looks like the old shuttles have gone bye-bye! 9 out of 10.

"Once Upon a Time"

Actually I thought this episode was kind of cute, but it was also boring at the same time. I liked the idea of storybook holocharacters, even though they're kind of dorky. (The doll was kind of cute too!) I liked the other crew members remembering themselves in those stories, especially Janeway about the flooding of the forest. Neelix was annoying in this episode, all the stuff with it not being Janeway's place, I'm her godfather, etc. This episode was better than last season's "Mortal Coil", but it wasn't the greatest episode of all time. 6 out of 10.


Now here's one of the greatest episodes of all time. The special effects were great especially the crash and the zooming out to see Voyager buried under the ice. I also liked the explosion of the Delta Flyer. Has anyone else noticed that the Delta Flyer has been used in every episode since its creation? Great acting by Harry, Chakotay, and the Doctor. I liked watching them be fugitives and the Doctor's loyalty to his crewmates. I liked the switching back and forth between Voyager and the Challenger, although it was a little confusing at first. I thought that having the party was a little premature, Janeway has always said to not get your hopes up, but I did like Seven's drunk scene! There were a few problems though, the slipstream technology, which we've seen before in "Hope and Fear" is the main concern. First, you were supposed to have to stay in slipstream for three months before getting home, not a few minutes, and second there was no talk about reinforcing the hull, which if you remember was the main reason Voyager couldn't use the technology. But I did like Voyager getting another 10 years closer to home. Let's see. 4 years of traveling normally, 10 years ahead from Kes, 5 years ahead by modifing their course in "Year of Hell", 10 years from this episode, subtracting that from the seventy-five years to get home and that leaves us with 56 years left to voyage home. I agree with Janeway's sentiment near the end of the episode, not a question of if they're getting home, but when. Looking brighter every episode! 10 out of 10.

"Infinite Regress"

Last season I probally would have thought, Oh great another Seven episode! However, I thought this episode was great with some of the best acting I've seen from Jeri Ryan. The demands of having to portray so many different characters must have been overwhelming. Great job. I liked the little girl scenes with Naomi, the Klingon "mid-night snacker" and mating scene with B'Elanna, and the mother scene in sickbay with the Wolf 359 stuff was heart-wrenching. I liked finding out a little bit more about how the hive minds works with the vindculum. Did anyone else think that the aliens' plan to infect the borg was very similar to the plan in the TNG episode, "I, Borg"? The mind-meld sequence was very well done. It captured the essense of what was going on in Seven's mind quite nicely. I also appreciated the variety of aliens that the borg had assimilated: Humans, Vulcans, Klingons, Bolians, Romulans, Hirogen, many unknown races, and even the Voth!! (See picture below) The end scene with Naomi was very cute, and I hope to see more of her in the future. Could be a great new development for Seven. Hope to see Naomi as Captain's assistant in the future! "Infinite Regress" may have regressed Seven's mind, but it certainly won't regress the ratings, 9 out of 10.

"Nothing Human"

At first glance "Nothing Human" would appear to be a B'Elanna episode, but in fact it was a great doctor episode where he had to deal with deep moral issues. I found this episode very similar to the DS9 episode with Kira's Cardassian "father". She had to deal with the fact that he had done bad things during the occupation. At first during this episode I agreed with the fact that Moset was just a hologram, but later after the scapel and other scenes I began to think that this hologram was no better than the real thing. I have one problem with this episode. In "Message in a Bottle", Kim could not get the backup doctor to work, now in this episode with a few well-chosen commands and we've got a hologram just as good as the doctor. Some of my other favorite scenes include the doc's holo-essay and Chakotay's plot. I found it interesting that Janeway made a decision that went along with Paris and against Chakotay and her life-long advisor Tuvok. I was glad that in spite of Moset's evilness, both B'Elanna and the alien were saved. The end holosequence with the doc and Moset was very good, especially comparing the doctor to Moset. This episode would have had a 10 out of 10 if it had done a little more to create the hologram, so it gets a 9.5 out of 10.

"Thirty Days"

I can't believe Paris was demoted! Sure we've seen it before in ST:IV, but then it was for a good reason, to get Kirk back his command. I never expected Paris to be an ensign. I did support his reasons though and I felt sorry for Janeway when she had to do what was right from Starfleet's perspective. I liked the new water planet and I liked the scientist who helped Paris, I didn't like the government guy. The new scenes with Captain Proton and the Delany twins were great. Especially Kim's scenes afterwards. I also liked Torres giving Paris an order at the end of the episode. This episode was nicely done with the flashback-type scenes, although it was confusing at first. I give it an 8 out of 10.


Janeway gets another episode finally. I thought that this episode was very strange considering at first it seemed like Voyager was a part of this alien race's fleet or something. The transporter suspension was a good idea, although it had medical concerns that were not addressed when Scotty was in suspension for 70 years on the TNG episode, "Relics". I liked the new bad guy, although I found his eyes creepy. I couldn't tell whether or not he was telling the truth and I was hurt when he betrayed Voyager, but I was glad when Janeway kicked his booty so to speak at the end. It would have been nice for Voyager to be able to go through the wormhole as well, but oh well. This episode gets a 7 1/2 out of 10.

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