Planetary Losses

Episode Planet and Explanation
"In the Pale Moonlight" Betazed and related colonies are captured by the Dominion
"The Reckoning" Benzar and related colonies are captured by the Romulans, the Dominion had captured them from the Federation

Current Fleet Losses

Episode Vessel/Fleet and Explanation
"A Time to Stand" The 7th Fleet was virtally destroyed by the Dominion
"Sacrifice of Angels" USS Majestic was destroyed in a massive battle with the Dominion
"Sacrifice of Angels" USS Sitak was destroyed in a massive battle with the Dominion
"In the Pale Moonlight" USS Cairo "disappeared" near the Neutral Zone
"Valiant" USS Valiant was destroyed by a Jem'Hadar Warship
"In the Cards" USS Tian An Men is missing near the Cardassian border
"Waltz" USS Honshu was destroyed by a Cardassian attack wing
"Far Beyond the Stars" USS Cortez was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar
"Tears of the Prophets" USS Dakota, Excelsior Class was destroyed by the Dominion
"Tears of the Prophets" USS Brazil, Steamrunner Class was destroyed by the Dominion
"Tears of the Prophets" USS Panther, Excelsior Class was destroyed during battle with the Dominion

Runabout Count

Episode Runabout and Explanation
"Battle Lines" Yangtzee Kiang crashes in the Gamma Quadrant
"Armageddon Game" Ganges is destroyed by alien cruiser
"Our Man Bashir" Orinoco is bombed by terrorists
"The Die is Cast" Mekong is destroyed by Jem'Hadar
"By Inferno's Light" Yukon is destroyed by USS Defiant
"The Ship" Unknown destroyed by the Dominion
"Nor the Battle To the Strong" Unknown destroyed
"Empok Nor" Unknown destroyed
"Valiant" Shenandoah is destroyed by a Dominion warship while under Nog's command

Shuttle Count

Episode Shuttle and Explanation
"Initiations" Chakotay's shuttle is destroyed while escaping from the Kazon
"Non Sequitur" Harry's shuttle is destroyed in rift while returning from an alternate reality
"Parturition" Neelix and Paris crash on planet Hell
"Coda" Janeway and Chakotay crash several times, but only one was real
"Unity" Chakotay and an ensign land and shuttle is destroyed by former Borg
"Rise" Neelix and Tuvok crash while investigating an asteroid shower
"The Gift" Kes takes a shuttle with her to "other state"
"Day of Honour" Paris and Torres are attacked while recovering the warp core
"Nemesis" Chakotay crashes while scanning a planet
"Hunters" The Hirogen attack Seven and Tuvok and presumably destroy their shuttle
"Drone" Paris, Torres, Seven of Nine, and the Doctor's shuttle is destroyed while investigating an anamoly

If you know of other vessels destroyed in our recent conflict please contact Fleet Command

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