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News Briefs February 14, 2000

New HLDU3 Web Auction

Posted by Carmel Macpherson on Monday, 14 February 2000, at 5:07 a.m.

Hi everyone
Well it's time for the next HLDU Auction :-)) Go to:

HLDU Auction

Kind regards
@ Carmel Macpherson:
>> Chief EDFWs
@ tunnack@ozemail.com.au
Carmel Macpherson

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Highlander DownUnder: The Official HL Fan Club of Australia PO Box 198, Brisbane Albert St QLD 4002, Australia. OR, for US members, make out checks to Fran and send $US25 to: Fran Koerner P. O. Box 3565, Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Visit the HLDU club site:


***HLDU 2000. Apr 14-16, 2000. Brisbane***

PeaceFund Auction. Wow.......

Posted by Rottweiler MW on Monday, 14 February 2000, at 5:50 p.m. Thunkable photo

Peacefund Raffle

News Briefs from September 13-October 3, 1999

Can you say Movie, Movie, Movie three times fast? Lots happening!

New HLDU3 Web Auction

Posted by Carmel Macpherson on Sunday, 3 October 1999, at 2:34 a.m.

Hi everyone
Yep - it's that time again - *another* Highlander DownUnder Auction. This one has a further 12 items and will only be open for one week. Go to:

HLDU3 Auction #2

Kind regards
Carmel Macpherson:

Lt-Chief DFWs /Chief EDFWs

~~~~Highlander DownUnder: The Official HL Fan Club of Australia PO Box 198, Brisbane Albert St QLD 4002, Australia. OR, for US members, make out checks to Fran and send $US25 to: Fran Koerner P. O. Box 3565, Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Visit the HLDU club site: http://www.powerup.com.au/~sonjav/

***HLDU 2000. Apr 14-16, 2000. Brisbane***

OPJFC members (and Non-members too)...go check out the item donated by PAUL!

Posted by AndiB on Sunday, 3 October 1999, at 11:16 a.m.
If you didn't already know about it, there is a great NEW auction underway, going on untill 5pm. Some really interesting stuff is in the garage sale too, and remember its all for charity!


Re: Adrian Paul has done an interview for SFX (RF post from AOL inside)...

Posted by Bryan Cooney on Saturday, 2 October 1999, at 10:55 p.m., in response to Adrian Paul has done an interview for SFX (RF post from AOL inside)..., posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Saturday, 2 October 1999, at 11:30 a.m.

Hi Rebecca,
The issue of SFX will be out Oct 24th, They are tiping Highlander 4 in their top fifty things hot for next year.

About AOL. The Wolf site is also AOL, they have had FTP Server down for 3 days and it has affect Wolf 359 as well as PEACE. They say it should be back soon but can not say when soon will be.

Wolf 359 Legacy

Wingfield Fans! Cold Feet PICTURES!

Posted by Annie CWPack on Saturday, 2 October 1999, at 4:30 a.m.
Check it out! Oh my.


Okay, lock up the Methos/Wingfield fans before I relay this. (Spoilers)

Posted by Leah CWPack on Friday, 1 October 1999, at 9:48 p.m.
Fans diligently monitoring COLD FEET report the following:

From: "Lorna B."

"I just saw the previews for upcoming episodes, and we have a Wingfield sighting! We have evening wear. We have steamy, wet shower snogging!

Yeah, looks like he'll be a real bounder and cad.

I'm a very happy camper!" Ahem. When the noise dies down and the hormone level returns to somewhere within normal range around here, it should be safe to come out again.

Adrian Paul has done an interview for SFX (RF post from AOL inside)

Posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Saturday, 2 October 1999, at 11:30 a.m.

Subject: PEACE website Date: Sat, 02 October 1999 01:28 PM EDT From: PEACE APFC Message-id:
The PEACE website has been going through some difficulties lately. One day, it's there. The next day, it's gone. Without having contacted AOL, I don't know what's going on. This morning Amy tried to upload the Appearances page with an update, but AOL wouldn't let her.

In the meantime, here's the update: Adrian recently did a phone interview with SFX Magazine, a British publication. I do not have a release date yet, but as soon as that information is determined, it will be added to the PEACE website. There is also talk of another interview and a cover shot of Adrian for this same magazine, but nothing has been set.

Please feel free to repost this message *in its entirety* to any other board.

Peace, Rebecca


SFX Online

The Cutting Edge Book

Posted by AJM on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 11:56 a.m., in response to What is it called? More questions inside..., posted by Ryjaan -- ancient Immortal author on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 11:43 a.m.

Basically the book collects all the sword-related Cutting Edge and Impact articles of mine from the last few years and puts back in a lot of things we had to take out because of space restrictions in the mag. In addition there are new interviews. These include Jose De Braga, Nigel Terry (Excalibur) Stephen Moyer ( Prince Valiant, Ultraviolet, Highlander:The Raven) and an extended interview with Valentine Pelka about his experiences on First Knight. I also cover the Highlander films (with Christopher Lambert interviewed on set)and the tv series.

Nigel, Peter, Bob Anderson and several others have raided their archives for unseen photos! I will say that there's one from the 1950s Ivanhoe series which is absolutely wonderful!

The book came about because the sword issue we did last year was a sell-out. The book should be priced about £13.99 and should hit UK shelves in November.

AP in the Cutting Edge

Posted by AJM on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 2:52 p.m., in response to Is there any interview/photo of AP in it? NT, posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 2:01 p.m.

The book will collect the series of interviews/articles that I did for Impact last year. This includes material I gained at Chronicles / Anaheim. There will be several exclusive pics of Adrian from Anaheim and a great one of the Four Horsemen from this year's unforgettable Chronicles '99 (Also Peter Hudson, Ocean Hellman, Alexandra Vandernoot, Jim Byrnes)

The Cutting Edge Book.

Posted by AJM on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 11:39 a.m.

Can I just offer some information regarding my book that was supposed to come out this month.
Just to let those people who have reserved a copy and sent cheques... it IS coming out but was delayed by having to change the type-setters/printers. It meant that the book was delayed by nearly two months. It should now be available from late November.

My colleague, Charlotte, was busy scanning a few last-minute pics, which include personal pix from Bob Anderson, Peter Diamond and Anthony De Longis. The cover shot (an exclusive shot of Christopher Lambert with the Highlander Sword) looks pretty good too. Soon as I have a scan and more info, I'll post it here.

Answers for both.....

Posted by AJM on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 12:05 p.m., in response to It sounds interesting..........Where ..., posted by Hooty, Tweaker of Duncan's Nose on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 11:53 a.m.

Details will soon be up on the MAI/Impact website (which is undergoing some changes at the mo) on how to get a copy. It may not be directly available in the States but it is possible to order it my credit card or Sterling money Order from MAI Publications here in the UK. I believe the set cost is £13.99. It's a 132 page soft-back edition with b/w and colour pix.

OK, .....announcement as posted on ATH, AOL and HIGHLA-L....

Posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Thursday, 30 September 1999, at 8:44 p.m.

Letters of thanks to DPP and Miramax
A campaign is underway on several boards and forums in Highlander fandom to write letters of thanks to both Davis/Panzer and Miramax, thanking them for bringing the idea of another Highlander movie to reality beginning on October 18th.

All the letters (snail mail because a handwritten letter holds more influence than an email) are being MAILED TO ARRIVE (if possible) ON OCTOBER 18th.

The letters will all be personalized - in our own words - but they should aim to express both our gratitude and our expectations. We want them to know that we, the fans, (a cross-cultural and trans-national group) are watching and eagerly waiting for this movie. It might not hurt to "plant" the idea, at least in the Miramax letter about what we have come to expect the concept of the Highlander to be. We know that we envision this movie to be intelligent, romantic, historical and exciting.

It's happening. We're thrilled. Let's show them we're grateful. While we are at it, we can also let them know that we don't want to settle for anything but a high calibre film that is beautifully done, WELL PUBLICIZED and PROMOTED, and that we look forward to its worldwide release in theatres -- (including the United States).

The address for Davis-Panzer Productions is: (mark letter attention: Peter Davis and Bill Panzer)

Davis-Panzer Productions, 8500 Melrose Avenue, Suite 202 West Hollywood, CA 90069-5145

The address for Miramax International is: (mark letter attention: publicity and/or production departments)

Miramax International, 7920 WEST Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90046

Yet another AP event.

Posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Wednesday, 29 September 1999, at 7:56 p.m.
Keeping up with type A people can be exhausting. {Thank God !!!} This just posted on the newly revised Appearances page of the PEACE website Just think of all the demands on his time right now. What this proves to me is that he shows and goes where his heart is.

On Monday evening, September 27, Adrian emceed "Not Just Monday Night Football," an event held to show appreciation for the supporters of Hathaway Children and Family Services and to honor the Women of SHARE. The event was held at the Hollywood Entertainment Museum in the heart of the Hollywood entertainment district. The evening's entertainment included roller skaters, cheerleaders, Hawaiian dancers, and even a man on stilts! The event was very successful and a good time was had by all in attendance.

HL IV News

Posted by Annie CWPack on Wednesday, 29 September 1999, at 10:42 a.m.
Someone has just reported on the big HL list that Jim Byrnes appeared being interviewed on Gabereau Live. He mentioned he was leaving on October 16th to fly to Romania to film the MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE. Still no mention of Peter. Sigh. Apparently, Gabereau interrupted him just when he began to talk about the filming. Dang it. Did anyone see this? Record it? I'd love a copy.

Letter writing campaign: the Gathering has come

Posted by Celedon(with delusions of being General Patton) on Tuesday, 28 September 1999, at 3:51 p.m.
.....in answer to your questions on writing thank you letters to Miramaz/DPP.
I chose the 18th as a date for all letteres to arrive because filming is to start then and it would be hard for all parties to pull out at that point in time. I would like them all to arrive ideally to both places on the 18th but not all postal services deliver on time, I realize.

I need all the HL Clan leaders to tell your clans of this campaign if you would, please.

If you are on any kind of HL-related mail list or on ATH let them know too and keep reminding them for me and for all of us! That way we can ensure that everyone's voice can and will be heard.

I need volunteers to post to all the HL forums throughout the web, even to the obsure ones and tell them of this. Maybe the ROG fans can handle the ROG related forums while the AP fans take over the forums dedicated to him, etc.

I need a European co-ordinator to deal with fans from the European segment of the HL world. Tell them why we are doing it and when the deadline is. Any volunteers?

For all you lurkers, tell your friends any way you can about HL and about the movie. Post, email do whatever it takes to get as many letters as possible to both of TPTB--DPP and Miramax by the 18th. I don't have the addys handy but someone should. Miramax has a website that should give the address to their offices. (http://www.miramax.com)

I will be offline for a few days due to circumstances beyond my control so I am leaving this up to all of you to get it going and keep it going. I should be back online by teh weekend if at possible and things work out that way--otherwise it will be next week before you see me again.

Take care and let's jump on this!

From Celedon on the Rysher forum earlier this week:

Since it is so close to the start date for filming HL4, what if we all pitched in and thanked DPP and Miramax for allowing the movie to go from concept to reality on Oct.18th? If we were to email or better yet snail mail them to give our thanks personally for giving us more of what we love it might have some influence on release dates and how it's promoted.

If Miramax can see how cross-cultural and trans-national the fandom is, then they truly might give us more than what we bargain for. We might see it brought to life in a bigger and better way than what DPP had envisioned perhaps. IF Miramax has no idea about how large we are as a whole, then how can they adequately judge how to both promote and release it. It doesn't rate up with some of Dimension other less than stellar films--it's not the same genre of low budget, low intelligent flicks that Dimension usually foists on us.

It's better, it's intelligent, it has a voice of it's own and a well established fandom base that can mean lots of money to be made off us if it is done correctly by all parties involved. Miramax as well as DPP could make millions if we perhaps can be active participants in the process of making it a success.

To do that we must support them and wait patiently but also talk it up and the concept of what Highlander is to those who are willing to listen. We can tell people that this is a don't miss film. We can try to make it easier for everyone who is new to the HL universe why things are the way things are.

So does anyone want to join me on Oct. 18th to write or email DPP/Miramax to give our personal thanks to them for allowing the film to happen?

PEACE website has been updated. ET has done an interview with AP on his training.

Posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Monday, 27 September 1999, at 9:55 p.m.
Warm up those VCR's
Check out the official news on the new movie AP will be making. And more on the events with the children. Oh my oh my what a great week of AP news !!! Check it out. Soon to view footage of AP's training THUNK

Adrian Paul Appearances

Anthony De Longis in "A Vampire Reflects"

Posted by Debbie on Friday, 24 September 1999, at 5:32 p.m.
This just in from one of the ADLFC members who was there for opening night:
One of your roving reporters in the field checking in......
I was one of those lucky enough to attend Thursday's opening of a new play starring Anthony De Longis. The play is entitled, "A Vampire Reflects," and is a comedy with music.

I don't want to post any spoilers, but suffice it to say...the play is VERY funny. The entire cast is great! Dan Payne as Colonel Puddlepont and Anthony as The Vampire have some scenes that nearly literally had people on the floor, laughing. Miguel Marcott as The Mad Scientist is a scream. ;-)

Again, I don't want to post spoilers, but there is singing, there is dancing...and Anthony looks utterly smashing in a formal tux, complete with tails!

Go see this play. Then tell your friends to go see this play! :-)
September 23 through October 31, 1999 Anthony De Longis will be starring as Count Czezcu in "A Vampire Reflects," a two-act musical/comedy written by Frank Semerano. "A Vampire Reflects," will run Thursday through Sunday at the:

Ventura Court Theatre 12417 Ventura Court Studio City, California 1/2 block North of Ventura Blvd. between Whitsett and Rhodes Avenues. Phone for information and tickets: 818-763-0245 Enjoy!

Rebecca Flynn confirms AP's new movie and uses a NEW name for HL IV in her post.

Posted by Rottweiler MacWench on Friday, 24 September 1999, at 8:59 a.m.
---- Subject: Re: Variety magazine and AP career Date: Fri, 24 September 1999 11:26 AM EDT From: PEACE APFC Message-id:
The PEACE website will be updated with this information at some point in time today, but since we've been receiving many e-mails about the Variety blurb, I decided to respond to it on this board.

According to Adrian, he will probably do "Invisible City" after he finishes "Highlander IV-Endgame." His participation in "Invisible City" had to be pushed due to the training he needed to do for the "Highlander" film. He jokingly said, "I believed it would be (my endgame) if I tried to fit this movie in before going to Romania. It would not be beneficial for my work in either movie."

AP movie news from today's Variety

Posted by Arley on Thursday, 23 September 1999, at 6:20 a.m.
New movie role and mention of HLIV

GROSS DEALS IN WORKS: Screenwriter Larry Gross has set a trio of new projects. The scribe, whose credits include "48 HRS." and "True Crime," has made a deal for an adaptation of Ibsen's "A Doll's House," which is coming together with Janet McTeer starring and Sidney Lumet in talks to direct. McTeer won the 1997 Tony Award for her perf in the play.

At the same time, he's pacted with WIN partners Larry and Jerry Gershman for "The Invisible City," a Gross script to star Adrian Paul, who toplined the TV series "Highlander." Paul's fans are awaiting the Dimension film based on that series, but the actor will first star in a thriller directed by Michael Oblowitz, who helmed Gross' script "This World … Then the Fireworks."

NEWS: the official HL site has

Posted by Celedon on Thursday, 23 September 1999, at 10:08 a.m.
a new club for us to join if we so choose. Here are the details direct from the site: "HIGHLANDER: The Official Online Club

Register now to join Highlander: The Official Online Club. All Club members will receive:
Official Highlander eNewsletters that will keep you informed of news and events from Highlander: The Official Site.
Priority notification of Highlander: World Without End news and updates.
Weekly e-mails so'll you'll be the first to know about that week's Thank Highlander It's Friday Website Specials.
Official Highlander Desktop Pictures that will only be available to Official Online Club Members. These beautiful downloadable desktop pictures are optimized for three different monitor sizesl. There will be two new pictures (one from the movie series and one from the television series) available each month so start your collection now! Here's a peek at this month's selections ..." and it shows 2 nice pictures of Connor and Dunca(one of each. To join you need to go over to the site and sign up there for the "Highlander: Official Online Club".

Good news! (HL IV News)

Posted by Annie CWPack on Wednesday, 22 September 1999, at 9:27 p.m.
Saw on the big HL list tonight that Jim Byrnes' fan club spoke with Jim himself and that he confirmed he is to be in the HL movie playing Joe. They said they forgot to ask if Peter was in it or not because, I believe, Jim was rushing out the door at the time.

Brion James, Rest In Peace.

Posted by Big John on Tuesday, 14 September 1999, at 6:58 p.m.
I hate to be a bearer of bad tidings, but I just read that Brion James, who played "grizzled Immortal beaver trapper John Durgan" turned "put a pig in crushed linen and he's still a pig art collector Armand Thorne" in the Season Three CLASSIC, "The Cross of St. Antoine," passed away late last month.

He was also in "Blade Runner" and a slew of other genre films.
In addition to his acting endeavors, he helped young actors overcome addictions to drugs and alcohol.

May he rest in peace.

Thanks, Mr. James, for all the entertainment you provided us. Thanks for being a part of our world.

HL4 filming news and Great News for Wolf 359 attendees...

Posted by Leah CWPack on Monday, 13 September 1999, at 10:38 p.m.
This was posted today on the Legacy website
Monday 13th Sept 1999. Miramax have just confirmed via Adrian Paul's management that production of Highlander 4 will take place from 9 Oct - 15 Dec. This will not however cause a problem with Adrian's appearance at Wolf 359 The Legacy as Miramax have agreed a release from production for the duration of the convention. We are delighted with the information and hope Adrian will have lots of details about the movie when he makes his First ever European convention appearance in London 13-14 Nov 99. Please pass on the good news. We will have more details on this and other activities for The Legacy next week, including a Highlander Quiz contest, Art show and further guest updates.

Posted by Arley on Monday, 13 September 1999, at 3:25 p.m. Here's an update from Cinescape, that at least appears to be more credible than "aint-it-cool-news". 'Highlander 4' Prod Details Cameras will finally roll on the long-in-the-works fourth installment of the Highlander franchise, World Without End, in Romania come October 11th. As previously reported, both Christopher Lambert and Adrian Paul star. Doug Arnowkowski directs from a script by Eric Bernt and Gregory Widen while Peter S. Davis and William N. Panzer produce. Patrick Peach co-produces with Robert Bernacchi serving as an associate producer/unit production manager. Jonathan Carlson will handle the production design and Dimension Films will release the movie.


NEWS ARCHIVE for August 2-August 22, 1999

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