Updated: 8-27-2003

"A man is in a state of peace when he renders
good for good, as far as it lies in him to do,
and wishes harm to no one."(Bernard of Clairvaux)

Today is:


Highlander The Source premieres on the
on the Sci Fi Channel, September 15, 2007
at 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. ET.


Rysher Forumlanders have a permanent
new home on the NEW Holy Ground Forum.
To visit the old gang CLICK HERE

Blast from the Past:

Forumland 411

    Please check back often for more additions and updates. The goal of this page is to have all current and timely Highlander information and/or links conveniently on one page. For a compilation of up to the minute news of what is happening in the Highlander Universe, bookmark this page for future reference.


    "HL FAN NEWS"-A compilation of the most recent news and announcements of interest to Highlander fans from around the Highlander Universe, including the Rysher Highlander Forum.
    UPDATED: 2-14-00

    "NOT-SO-OFFICIAL HL MOVIE NEWS"-This is a "Highlander Endgame" movie FAQ by Big John from the Rysher Highlander Forum. This is where you'll also read additional news heard from conventions, Q & A's, and news reported from various places about the latest Highlander movie.
    UPDATED: 8-6-2000

    "TV NEWS"-Highlander The Series" and "Highlander The Raven" FInd out the latest news about these series and where you can catch reruns.
    UPDATED: 1-2-2000

    "CURRENT CHARITY PROJECTS"- This page announces new fundraisers and challenges to Highlander fans.
    UPDATED 2-22-00

    "PAST CHARITY PROJECTS"-See what projects fans have done.
    UPDATED 8-22-99

    Please check out the Peace Challenge and other pages here and if you would like to contribute a story, poem or quote, email me.

    To contribute a story and/or pictures of a fan event or if you've heard news about Highlander IV: World Without End or other news of interest to Highlander Fans email me.

    And in the meantime...

    Highlander Endgame. In U.S. theaters September 1, 2000

    Can't get enough Highlander?

    Check here to find more Highlander websites you're sure to enjoy. The Forumland WebRing, the Highlander Web Ring and the Highlander Convention Webring


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Problems with this page? Email me.


The Clan MacWench
Dedicated to the ideals of Peace, Service and Hospitality

Want to learn how to do your own webpages?
Here are links to three sources of tutorials
to learn about html.

All non-highlander graphics and images are from
free graphics archives and sites easily found
on the net. Here's one source I found helpful.

All Highlander images and graphics are the property of Davis Panzer Productions and their distributors
and are used here strictly for entertainment
and fun, fun, fun.

  • Michele Web
  • CNET-search
  • Fantasyland Graphics