Dana Erin Scully's X-Files for Relationshippers

Please click on the photo to jump to my X-Files page.

Hi! My name is Erin M. Blair. I'm a Mulder/Scully Shipper who believes that Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong together. I have put together a collection of shippy fan fiction that I have written and a page dedicated to the "X-Files."

The description of this page is:
A Relationshipper page for fan of
The X-Files who believe that Mulder
and Scully should belong together.

I signed up on 04/22/98 16:45:33, but I'm still in the process of moving in. =) Currently, I'm working on improving my Mulder/Scully fan fiction gallery, a MSRfanfic Archive dedicated to other authors, and a collection of my non-X-Files stories.

My interests are:
X-Files, Broadway musicals (such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and Phantom of the Opera), writing stories, dancing, singing, and surfing the Internet..

Email me at erinmblair@yahoo.com or at eblair@sonic.net in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

Gossamer--X-Files Fan Fiction
Official X-Files Web Site
Agent Berry's Shipper Page

© 1997 erinmblair@yahoo.com

The current mood of eblair@sonic.net at www.imood.com

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