Ron's Card Stuff
A Non-sports Trading Card Page, with a few other goodies on the side
Special Bulletin
Everyone, Looks like I'm gonna be in Korea for a while.  I have been having fun though. Found several unique Korean cards and movie promotional items.  My trip to Thailand was awesome, and I have a ton of new cards from there to trade.  I only have a small percentage of my regular stuff, but I have at least the most commonly requested stuff, so trades are still easily attainable.  In case your wondering, I'm in the Air Force, and have access to US mailing facilities, so it doesnt cost any more to mail to me in Korea than it does to mail to me in the states.  Only difference is a small green customs label has to be on everything.    
Welcome, on this web site, you will find all the various types of Non-sports cards I have available for sale or trade.  I collect Non-sports cards and promos, and I use this page as a method of expanding my incredible collection.  Please dont hesitate to e-mail if you have something I need, or if I have something you need.  I am VERY flexible, and hopefully we can work out a trade or something.  Send me your Extras lists as I'm always seeing new stuff I didnt know exist that I'd love to trade for. I trade most pack pulled items at the values listed in on Non-sport update magazine, but for promos I use a combination of sources, as most price guides dont keep up with the market.   If you dont have anything I need in trade, you can purchase anything on my extras list, just e-mail me for a qoute.  I always give a good cut price deal for cash.  Take care, Ron
I finally figured out how to put my wants and extras list on the web in a word.doc format, which makes them easier to read.  I think you still have to have Microsoft word or Microsoft office to be able to read them, but if you do, these are much nicer lists to view.    They will download to your computer, saving you precious on-line time.
Ron's Extra stuff in WORD.DOC Form
Ron's Want List in WORD.DOC Form
Ron's Personnal promo collection in WORD.doc form
Ron's Promo card Want List in WORD.DOC Form
I have my complete extras and want lists on their own pages, but to make it easier for those of you who are just looking for a certain type of card, I've broken my Extras list down to subject specific pages as well.  Just click on the page that is of interest.
Links to Ron's Card Pages
Promo Singles Page 1
Ron's Extra stuff
Promo Singles Page 2
Star Wars Stuff
Foreign card Stuff
Star Trek Stuff
Promo Sets, Sheets, Flyers
X-Files Stuff
Ron's EBAY Auction
Babylon 5  Stuff
Ron's Auction
Buffy The Vampire Slayer  Stuff
Ron's RARE Card Pictures
Disney Stuff
Ron's Other Card Pictures
Lady Death/Bad Girl Stuff
Ron's Links to Other Peoples Card Sites
Marvel Stuff
Ron's Want List
Other  Stuff
Non-Sports Sets, Inserts, Binders, and Parallel cards
Ron's Promo Want List
Below is a link to my other web page.  It is a database type listing of what I have in my personnal collection.  Please use these lists as reference material for what's available out there, and to give you an idea of what you need to be on the lookout for.  None of the items on these pages is for trade, unless you have a Star Wars Galaxy 2 P3 promo or offer large amounts of cash, then you might be able to con me into a trade.  :~)
Ron's Collection Page
I pride myself on my knowledge of promo cards and such, so if you have questions that you cannot answer from my web pages, please e-mail, and I will do my best to help you out.  I can also send scans of certain cards if your interested in seeing what they look like.
The Non Sports Trader Webring
Non Sports Card Trader site is owned by Ron.
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