~*Honor those the dragon Heed
In thought and Favor
Word and Deed.
Worlds are lost or worlds are saved
From those dangers dragon braved.*~




Dangerous Skies

A thread fighting game
coming soon



This many travilers have visited
sence 1-26-99

Welcome to Naronis Weyr. This will be, hopefuly, One of the most collected and fan archives on the net. So whats new? Well EVERYTHING!! Sorry bout only a few things or no things working cause im still building.:p

What this site is, is a series of informational recorces, links, and fan stuff, and Adoption centers. I will gladly welcome any html experts and graphic buffs to the staff cause I aint good at either ^.^

Well As you may notice this page is rather simple looking...well I did that for a reason. I wanted this to remain more like a weyr should and not so flashy. A lot of pern is polotics and buisness..Anyway remember this is an Informational sight :p

Ill Post Info On New stuff Here and New Dragon clutches so umm I guess all I have to say now






