Who are Mennehotep and Kara?

Biographical Lifeform Information File 200

Query:Who are Kara and Mennehotep?

Subject: Mennehotep, Princess Lifeform classification: Animated necrotic paraform Age:Apparently 34 earth years at time of life termination Height: 5'7", 5'8" when armored Weight: 135 lbs (On Earth) Biological Information: Source: Karen Romano's archaological file File open: Princess Mennehotep is apparently an animate body approximately 3000 years old! This fascinates me. There are a number of species I have encountered in my travels that live in spirit form without a corporeal body. But this is one of those rare times that I have witnessed a prime example of an animate necrotic form. She appears to require regeneration in a small portable energy cell at periods of 12 hours. Like the other animates I have observed, she possesses an electromagnetic energy source capable of channeling the stored energy into a metabolic form. From my sources I conclude that Mennehotep's skills include the manipulation of chemical extracts, commonly called chemistry, but known to the ancient Egyptians as Alchemy. Her mission seems to point to the pursuit of a possessive entity currenlty residing in Egyptolgist Karen Romano. The energy signature of this entity appears similar, suggesting a familial common linkage. How long Mennehotep will remain is a currently unanswered question.

Current Status and Additional information: Mennehotep appears to possess the ability to fuse energy into matter. Particularly this manifests in an armored form, resembling a spindly legged waterfowl. The nature of this power indicates an offensive mode. The suit has flight capabilities similar to the subject JA-KAL, the leader of the community of necrotic paraforms I have been observing. Additional skills include magikal energy manipulation into a spherical forcefield, and channeling of static electricity that can be released into packets of discrete power.

Relationship to others: Rath: Originally she adored Rath, a legend in her own time. But as she has gotten to know the scribe, she has become disillusioned with his faults. He professed fondess for her, and teaches her magic, feeling guilty that she had lost her sorcery due to the power drain of fighting Kara in their first battle. Menne was confused that Rath was still holding out on her... but now she realizes Rath's place is really with the Muse. Lyris: Initially Lyris mistrusted Mennehotep. But after the Alchemist Princess saved her life and forgave her, she gave Menne a second chance. Now the two are fast becoming friends. Lyris is trying to get Menne and Ja-Kal together... Armon: Has a crush on the princess. Sympathises with the loss of her sorcery, and teaches her Egypt-su. Menne admires Armon, and realizes he may be considered stupid by the others, but his down to earth knowlege is well worth this misconception. He knows better than to reveal his crush on her, though. He consideres her unreachable that way... Nefer-Tina: Tries to get the Princess into the 20th century. Wants her to feel equal to challenging Rath's arrogance and insistance that she act like a Princess. Menne likes Nefer-Tina and never talks down to the Charioteer. Feels a bit left out of Lyris and Nefer-Tina's special friendship. Ja-Kal: Initally wary of her leadership abilities. After all, she is a woman, even if she is a Princess. But has recently learned to accept and admire her skills to lead. This admiration blossomed into love, which Lyris has encouraged him to express freely. For love levels all ranks, as Lyris has read in the great Bards Gilbert and Sullivan in their ballad HMS Pinafore. Menne loves Ja-Kal, and would do anything for him. Their mutual loss brings them closer together. For he is a loner as a Hunter, as she is a loner by the fact she is a Princess.

Subject: Kara, Princess Lifeform classification: Parsitic electromagnetic entity Age:Apparently 36 earth years at time of life termination Biological Information: Source: Karen Romano's archaological file File open: Kara is the entity I have been tracking with some interest. This disembodied soul, I use the Earth term, has fused with the consciouness of Egyptologist Karen Romano. I have noted that the personality of Kara remains dominant for most of the diernal period of planetary rotation. The purpose of this possession is curious. Through the physical body of its host, Kara has engaged in criminal activities in the local San Francisco museum where the mummy of Mennehotep was to have been on display. Her name has been connected with the dissapearance of said mummy. Kara endows her host with the ability to channel various electromagenetic energies. One curious side effect enables the host to move sillacacious art forms with the electromagnetic field of the Earth. Control over these forms is excellent, resulting in a good offensive capability. Kara resides in the brain and a portable power unit worn about the throat of the egyptologist. When worn, the unit channels so called magikal energies that can be channeled into the various ablities described above. Like the necrotics, she endows her host with the ability to fuse energy into matter to create a defensive armor state. This further transformation resembles the earth species Felinus lionus. Such instinctive behaviors are superimposed upon the host body, resulting in catlike agility and aggresive predatory instincts. Just how long Kara will possess her host I still cannot ascertain. Yet it appears she has conflicted with the animate necrotics observed to inhabit the Museum. She often is sighted in her host form frequenting Egyptian displays. Be warned. She is extremely unpredictable and dangerous.

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