The Frieze Gallery

These are the works of TryniaMerin, the scribings of all those she has encountered in her travels. And the scribings of other artists are here too!

I will be adding new pictures soon by Tawlock, Lacey, and Jade. If you have a picture you want in the gallery let me know!

pictures done by TryniaMerin

Mennehotep and Rath
Menne rescuing Rath.
menne deflecting an energy blast
Tharakenat, my Court Magician
Menne Kicking Tut... Oops, sorry Tutankhamon, no offense!
Tharakenat in Python Armor!
Trynia and Tharakenat in Ancient Egypt!
Trynia as a Human Being! From an upcoming story!
Marianne Ellis, Forensic Chemist
Cameron Ellis, Egyptologist!
Marianne Ellis Transformed
Portrait of Rath, Nefertina and Cameron!
Portrait of Rath in Ancient Egypt!
Ashake in ancient Egypt! Ashake is javagoddess' char
Ashake in Modern garb! Ashake is javagoddess' char
Ashake and her husband! Ashake is javagoddess' char
The Mummies in disguise!
Ashake in Egyptian garb! Ashake is javagoddess' char
Trynia from an upcoming story!
Chas Quin Cassidy and his sister Michelle, owned by Javagoddess!
A sneak preview of Trynia's trial story!
JaKal and Princess Sohkarra!
JaKal and Princess Sohkarra!
Mennehotep, before transformation!
NEW! Menne during Transformation
Menne after Transformation
NEW! Chas as Photojournalist!
NEW! Marianne and Chas Together (for alternate and Gargoyles stories)

Drawings done by other people!

Damia, the Fox Guardian by Sardra Rowan
Tjenament, the Leopard Guardian by Sardra Rowan
Zipporah, Nyx's Guardian Fairy, by Nyx Riven!
Nyx's daughter Odette, and Andrew Ellis, by Nyx Riven.
New: Levar in Armor by Nyx Riven
Levar in 16th century dress, by Nyx Riven.
Ahmed in Armor, by Nyx Riven.
Mennehotep, by Tawlock Caramun! Many hugs and thanks! ;-)

New Section: Scenes from Stories:

Are you even paying attention to the TV Rath? from Pride Story upcoming.
Trapped in the Museum! From a Moving Mummy Story.
Sparring! From upcoming story Turnabout is Fair Play!
Gotcha! From Turnabout is Fair Play.
I come in peace... a biig misunderstanding! From Dragon Plague.
"You broke my staff!!!!" From Dragon Plague.
Get off of me!!! A warrior in a beserker rage, from Dragon Plague.
Trynia's first date! From a Day in the Life...
Stolen Moments From a Day in the Life...

From KISS/Mummies Alive Crossover stories:

Two legends meet! First KISS
Sohkarra and Ace's "encore" First KISS.
Menne meets the Star Child, Paul Stanley, from Second KISS
Nefertina meets Cat-man Peter Criss. Second KISS
Making out! from Second KISS
You have ten seconds, creep? from Third KISS
Who is this character? from Third KISS
I didn't think you gave a rat's tail, Gene! From To Fight Fire With Fire...
What's a fine dame like you doing in a place like this? From To Fight Fire With Fire...

Gargoyles Art: MacBeth
Chas w/ sword

MA character poll

maat's underworld. a website on 'mummies alive!' and the mysteries of ancient egypt


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