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    Wabut also updates the
    news at Messiah press.com

    More news at my favorites, Blue's News & Gamer's Alliance.

  • Monday October 12, 1998
    Lack o updates. Like anyone cares.

    Check it out. I'm number 3 on this web search. My site kicks ass. That hit's much better than the guy who got here searching for AOL tweaks.

    Wednesday October 7, 1998
    sCary put If i were King on Hiatus, and has replaced it with words of wisdom. It rules. Go read it, and follow the advice while you still can.

    Messiahpress was updated by none other then me. GO read. GO complain that I suck.

    Tuesday October 6, 1998
    Quake3 looks way-hella-cool. Go here to check out some high quality ass-rockin scans of PC Gamer. I guess I'll need one of those banshee cards. SLI mode of course.

    While I'm talking about those cards. The Creative Labs 8 meg voodoo2 card (the 1 that i have), is now at a nice low price of $110 and then it's down to $80 with a $30 rebate. I feel gipped.

    I think I forgot to mention this, but there's a profile of thresh at loonygames. Oh well. It's nothing new.

    I threw another link onto the unorganized molinks page. Guess which one.

    It's evoultion baby.

    Damnit... What the hell? Tripping the rift has a message on their site that says " Tripping The Rift Dot Com is dead" ..damn I never got to download it.

    Halloween contest. Go win. I suck at writing. Datafox's got skills at righting.

    Hate, something, sometime, someway, something kick off the front floor.
    Mine? Something, inside.
    I'll never ever follow.
    So give.. me.. some.. thing.. that.. is.. for.. real.
    I'll never ever follow.

    Make sense of that! muhahahahahaha.

    Free Cable is ruining my head. First Marilyn Manson, and now Korn. Fudge Muffins. I haven't downloaded dope show yet, so I'm not a freak yet. Not a freak. Not a freak. Not a freak. Not a freak. N0+ 4 phr34k. damn. I'm screwed.

    Monday October 5, 1998
    I screwed up my javascript yesterday. It's fixed now. Go away.

    We're all stars now ........ In the dope show.

    I was just about to do an update yesterday at messiah press, but I decided to leave it as it was. oh well.

    EGN2 + patching features has been released. go get it. You don't need it, but what the hell, it's a small download.

    Saturday October 3, 1998
    Sweet ass CG movies. Blue Planet looks great. it's a 6 meg trailer embedded into the web page. There are also Tekken and Final Fantasy Trailers(broke-ass link...), but they're huge in size. Anyone who can understand what that guy is saying in the background music of blue planet gets extra points.

    New Netscape out. 4.07 or something. I've got 4.5 so I couldn't really give a damn. Go find a link yourself.

    The Shogo demo rocks. The main vehicle transforms into a jet. You can double-jump. There are amazing visual effects. Smoke created by that rocket launcher gun actually fades away slowly like in real life, so that you can create an awesome smoke screen by firing that puppy. If you haven't got it, get it. You're missing out.

    Oh no. They killed Lenny. You bastards.

    Thursday October 1, 1998
    Shogo demo out. All the ftp servers are busy, so I'm waiting in line for my chance at the anime mech first person shooter lithengine game. It will rock. It should only be a 10 mintue download for me. All 40 megs. muhahahah.

    News is slow or something. Nothings happenning. Like you or I even care.

    hey m0f0, where'd the pudding go?

    Wednesday September 30,1998
    New winamp out. Version 2.02 improves some bug fixes. Get it if you want.

    Sick of this stuff they call sleep? Lose the temptation to have to go sleep, by playing quake2! works for me.

    Tuesday September 29, 1998
    I did update yesterday, but I closed Netscape before I saved it. Not smart. Not Smart at all.
    Sunday September 27, 1998
    Ethernet card registration is tommorrow. I'm updating from home on my sister's computer. l33tness tommorrow.
    Saturday September 26, 1998
    For my New to online quakin' friends : I suggest you guys should read thresh's quake bible. Just skim the parts that you might need to read about. Namely the control setup..heh

    You know I choose my posts wisely. I only post what I feel the public wants to know about. That's why I'm posting this. Porn QUake is having a contest. Now wasn't that worth it?

    That planet O' Quake place has a bunch of cool polls up today. ONe about Half-Life warez, and the other about stuff like crack-cocaine and satan. They know what the public wants. They said they wouldn't give your ip address to Sierra if you have the half-life OEM, but i don't really care, since I'm using someone elses's ip address. muhahahahahah

    If all goes corretly, today will be the last day of me using lanset internet and updating on a modem. If I don't update tommorrow, or am not online, bad things have happenned and I'm rotting in hell. LPBs Rule! muhahahahahah

    You know what a pain in the ass it is to unsubscribe from all those mailing lists to my juno account? a big pain in the ass.

    Friday September 25, 1998
    Wanna see a really short stupid movie? The Cat. The Stove. And Some Guy.

    SiN demo #2 has been released. Go to Blue'sNews for word when the 10 meg patch comes out.

    Winamp 2.01 is also out. People have been experiencing slow down with this version though. watch out.

    hmmm... wonder if sCary's going to update reasons to live with my ideas today... Maybe about patches or warez or something.

    Thursday September 24, 1998
    3 days ago, EGN 2 Preview release came out. It's worthless though. Wait for the real version which 3 days ago they said would be released shortly. Just wait for it since it will have the always fun, patching service.

    Tetris maker is dead. go read. tetris ruled. still rules. Especially in tetrinet.

    Eh? WTF? a day after I post the link to chickssuck, it gets posted at sCary's wack-ass links. Geez. all my ideas down the toilet. Who is the real sCary that's stealing all our ideas?

    It's the truth. go look-ee the nice picture.

    Wednesday September 23, 1998
    Win a sound blaster LIve from Sound Blaster. 18+ only you losers.

    WIn some more junk. Microworks speakers from sound blaster.

    Another one of those, enter the contest first, find out its open to 18+ only second. Darn-it.

    sCary says so, so it's god damn true.

    The Adrenaline Vault has grabbed some screenshots from Eidos' Tomb Raider 3. As evidenced by this shot, Lara is now a B-cup, which should make you fem-libbers happy. For the male chauvinist pigs... well... this shot says it all. LAME! I want bigass knockers that swing around and make me duck from my screen for fear of poking out my eyes. Also check out the OGR shots.

    This is the beginning of the apocolypse guys. The end is at hand.

    Yup... this is weird. first, datafox is 1% away from being one of the smartest people in the world, then Vfatdan appears out of nowhere with an infrared keyboard, and now Lara gets breast reduction. I predict tomb Raider 3 will sell just like Outpost.

    The president + Half-life warez = wack-ass article.

    Because I know, no one goes to MO ' Links or would care if it was my link of the day/week/ whenever i feel like it, I'm gonna post one of those links up here. chickssuck.shutdown.com. This is a great read. So when you're downloading some big-ass files, you can go to this non-graphic extensive site and read up. It's great. Did I say it was great? reading is fun.

    the man or simpson test is up at Dailytv. Fun fun fun. I got a 6... whatever that means.

    I feel like customizing my desktop. All these cool-ass themes for litestep are making me want to do something like that. Only problem is that it will suck like crap when I'm done.

    Anyone else see Voltron? That was cool.
    Anyone see the Robocop cartoon? After watching a couple episodes i finally realized what it reminds me of. Inspector Gadget. Robocop has all those wack-ass gadgets now.

    Tuesday September 22, 1998
    Um.... read...
    America Online's next mailbox blitz is on the way. Starting Sept. 28, the company will mail more than 1 million copies each day of its 4.0 software, with millions more available in places from cereal boxes to school cafeterias. The final 4.0 software has been available online since late July.
    This is good news. If they are floppy disks they're sending out, it is even better. So, why is this good news? I have a feeling that everyone who wants AOL is already using it, therefore no one new will sign-up. This is very good news since it only means that AOL will lose an assload of money sending bulkmail and making discs. This just means a quicker death and less people talking "l1k3 +h1$".

    Local H will be on Conan this week. I have no idea when, but you should watch. They'll probably be playing "All the Kids Are right", a song that I just downloaded and added to my "list." Goodie.

    Quake 2. The best game ever hands-down. I best Myst, Starcraft and that damn ass-rocking game Deer Hunter don't have this. Porn Quake 2!. Cool, eh? Don't you wish you had quake2? The best game ever!

    Argh....C'mon guys... I got 5 spam messages over ICQ today...er..yesterday...geez. If I could, I'd re-rant about that upon My Your Stupid, but I don't wanna update it until I redesign it. Hey people, I'm not an AOL user therefore I hate spam and do not fall for wack-ass spam messages. Making it worse was that I had already gotten that URl 3 days ago, and now after days of thinking thats the last of that spam, it gets spammed to me again. blah. Geez...If any of the stuff on those messages work, you can come kick my ass, but until then stop the spam.

    wow..I'm on a updating spree... Something weird? Instant Lunch : The Christian punk/ska band.. What has the world come to when a christian band has the nerve to call themselves "punk". I don't get it. Ska, i understand, but punk? Doesn't that mean it's heavy rock, and one of those sin to listen to thingys? aw...screw it..

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