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Monday June 28, 1999
Descent 3 minimum install : 220 megs. standard 500+, full, 900+. 2 cds. And Gamespot gave it a 9. I'm going to win that $50,000 tournament. just watch.

Yahoo?? What the heck is happenning here. This is scary. Oh well. They are doing some kind of cookie saving on this computer right now.

I got a game in the mail a couple days ago. Descent 3. No letter, bill or anything was attached. I think I might of won it, but I have no idea. I guess I just own. Tommorrow I expect my "free" Dreamcast to come.

I've got a modem. Gonna install it later. Then connect to jps. mwahahahhaha. Who wants some 28.8?

I beat Grim Fandango in 4 days. Fun Fun Fun. It'll take me 5 years to beat descent. That is if I actually play it.

Annoy me.

I'm afraid that whoever uses this computer (#136 at the Library), will have full access to my site. This cookie thing is scaring me.

I need some kind of link to put up here, but I have nothing, since my searching skillz suck ass.

I lag.

Thursday June 23, 1999
Just try and stop me.

Grim Fandango owns you.

Why do I even bother updating this site? Why am I wasting my time doing this, when I could be doing many other things, like search for pr0n on a school's computer. What a waste.

Monday June 21, 1999

Guess What. I own joo.


These pII's own. "This computer is for research purposes only. No emailing, hotmailing, games, or chatting." Come and stop me.

Wednesday June 16, 1999
I missed a golden opportunity. I will regret this in the future. Or I will just forget about it and carry on.

bugjuice.com has the full length video of What's My Age Again. It says uncensored, but it's not. And that's a good thing.

Key to doing good on Finals : Len.

Piracy Could Aggravate Y2K . I like the last line.
On the other hand software pirates may not be all that vulnerable to flaws in older software, Papows quipped: "They can always steal the updates."
Tuesday June 15, 1999
Who owns? My hard drive Owns all of joo.

Well? Who are you? Star Wars : Personlity quiz. I'm going to take it right after this update. cool shtuff.

This might be some old brit stuff, but it's new to me, and quite posiblly new to you. fhm.co.uk counts down the top 100 sexiest women. A slide show is available, but i'm guessing if you don't have the badnwidth the thing wil lscroll by before the pics even download. Half the chicks, I've never seen before in my life. But whats cool about it, is that half the chicks are nothing but hors to datafox.

Sunday June 13, 1999
ownage? If you've seen it, your eyes probably hurt as much as mines. And I reloaded it all 300 times. You'll see. Eventually.

You know what sucks? Having 2 different versions of Nookie on the internet. 1 crappy demo version that sounds like it's being played from a telephone, and the other that sounds CD quality. Guess which one is the only one that seems to be being distributed a lot. yep. the good one. But I realized that one sounds like crap too. Geez.

What the heck are those things?. Frogs? Correction. They are slugs. Sweet stuff.

For no reason whatsoever, I got a bunch of more Blink 182 songs. I think it's part of the "last day of pimp ass connections" syndrome. Where's the Juarez? I need some quick.
Thursday June 10, 1999
I'm linking to legal pr0n. Get it when I say legal? Because someone's legal. But she's not in the pic. But no one really cares. And it's not pr0n. They're that same type of pics as datafox's chick, Britney Spears. That bastard won't take any nice pics for us.

Speaking of Britney, she said she doesn't have fake boobs. Whether or not she followed that statement up with I'm going to get some next week, is beyond me.

Remember the key to solving the puzzle. CTRL+ALT+DEL. Or right click close works too. But not as well as ctrl,alt,del.

God damn.
Monday June 7, 1999
Programming sucks.

You want to be rich? I'll show you how to get rich. right here. Bob did not steal the redhat.

More to say later. And later means in a week or so.


Sunday June 6, 1999
I use the word OWN too much now. Sorry.

Here's the weirdest most radical quote on the planet as of right now. Clipped out of my March 99 (That I just got. l33t, eh?) issue of PC World.
Whether you're logging on for work or fun, one internet service provider stnads above the rest: AT&T WorldNet.
sCary, isn't it?

I'll most likely be up until 5 today programming, so you can bug me all night. So far, my program does this. (quoted from my telnet client)

dec18% a.out
I think ecs 50 can suck my crotch
I think ecs 50 can suck my crotch
Segmentation fault
Yeah, I'm bad ass.

Bob did not steal the redhat.

Swear to god. I'm going to archive this.
Thursday June 3, 1999
cool. some portions of this site will not have been updated in a whole year soon. I rox.

new cuteftp out. it has gone over 3.x now. I'm going to install it right after this. BUt before you do, realize that this bastard program has an advertsiement on it. a banner. A real internet banner in the app itself. sucks

Kent. Kent SHi. Xiao Feng Shi. 902-782-388 ( i don't know what this number is, but it must be important if it's in his source code). Kent Shi. sigh. Some people just ...

I'm sort of hoping altavista is going to cache my page today, and make me the first result if you search for Kent Shi. I roxor.

I'm sure I had something else to say......

Tuesday June 1, 1999
I did some magic tweaking, and now this page doesn't overlap for me anymore. Tell me if it's jacked still. Oh yeah, and screw all you netscape users. I didn't have to use vfatdhtml either.

AOL is the devil. AOl bought out winamp and some other crap. Isn't that just great. Anyone else considering switching to sonique or kjofol?. and winamp just partnered with microsoft a couple days ago. Life rox. Today is June's Fools Day, right?

The nookie.

That was a reference to the song by Limp Bizkit, and not today's userfriendly. Unless Userfriendly was a reference to Limp Bizkit. Then, I was referring to a reference or something.

icq rox. It's all aol's fault.

Archiving soon. Later today. when I have "time"

Tuesday May 25, 1999
SOmebody is going to make a big profit. I would get about 5 feet before that 40 pound reel crushes me in to the ground.

I listened to a bunch of tracks off the unreleased enema of the state by blink 182. And i re-realized something. All the songs sound the same. darn

Star Wars is cool. DOn't see the movie because : the kid who plays anakin. Was he even trying? See the movie because : Natalie Portman. She doesn't even need to try.

I rox. GX is fun.
Friday May 21, 1999
Because I'm bored and am in need of stress relief I will now flame you the reader of my crap site.

YOu SUck

And I mean it too.

I hate Physics. I should just write Pong instead. Again.

Geez. You know what?

YOu SUck

And this time I really do mean it.

The Dhtml goods I was trying to do is harder than I expected. So, I will probably just quit now. Like it was any fun.
Thursday May 20, 1999
Outlook Express 5 checks hotmail. rox.

Some redesigning if I have time. This page needs it.

The bad day ended after the update. I have a feeling it's saving itself for later today.
Wednesday May 19, 1999
It's official...

Today Sucks

And my days start at noon, and end at noon the next day. Today has only been going on for 2.5 hours, and the suckage has only begun to start. Damnit.

But wait. Why does today suck even though Star Wars is out? Because I'm not seeing it today also adds to today's crapiness. Thanks a lot brain. NOw I feel even worse.
Sunday May 16, 1999
Today's Lunch : One Red icee. One bag of Shrimp flavored chips. Total Cost : $2.23. And I'm still a little sick too.

The kings game is going on as I type this. If the Kings lose.. oh well. And if the kings win... Ungh. Biznatch. you want some of this sacramento shiznit? huh? yeah? Biotch. Ungh. Punk ass. You can't stop us faggot!. You god damn freaks. kings rox. Screw you all! Biznitch. UNGH. Skank hors!

It's the icee. Swear to god. It's extra syrup. It's making me feel crazy.

The Sacramento Kings. The only team with the guts to put 5 white guys on the floor at one time. Divac, Barry, Stojakovic, Williams, Pollard. We rox like the rocky mountains. oh wait. I mean we rox like the sierra nevada. yeah. whatever.

This years E3's coverage sucks. Someone get the photographers from Playboy or Sports Illustrated to cover it. Then I might visit some of those e3 sites. losers.

Guess what. For the last month or so, my roommate has been underclocking his processor. We fixed it last night. Now Starcraft won't be as laggy. But we can still harrass him.

Assignment 6 for my ECS(engineering computer science) class is... PONG. Too bad I have to write it in something like CUSP. bastards. Assembly Language is only the ugliest language in existence.

And um... click here to go to Expedia.

Saturday May 15, 1999
Free soda. Citra to be exact.

Netsacpe did not work on the first install. So, being bored, I went through my registry, and ripped it apart. I uninstalled Netscape, and then reinstalled, and $$$$$$$. I'm l33t again.

Stomped has merged with redwood. This just happenned in the last 10 minutes. Right after I went to his site, I refresehed, and the whole thing was gone. Rox.

And um... click here to go to Expedia.

New Netscape out. Ver 4.6. Let's hope this works. Using Netsacpe is cool because even though it is less superior to IE5, by using it, I will be marked as a "rebel" fighting against "THE MAN". And that's all that counts.

And if netscape doesn't work? I've got a cool VFatdan idea tha I was thikning of implementing that will stop the l3t overlapping. It's called DHTML. and it will rox.

Where are the Booth Babes??? geez. Doesn't anyone know how to use a digicam anymore? They should send me next year. I'll show them how it's done.
Monday May 10, 1999
Today's just going to be one of those long ass slow days. Suck.

1) quake3 will be released today sometime between 6Pm - 10PM since I will not be here. They are out to screw me and give everyone else a head start. Bastards. It's going to run at 15fps on my cpu anyway.

2) The Kings will defeat the Utah Jazz today in an amzing come back, that I will not only miss because I will not be here, but also because the network will be so f00ked over from all the fags playing q3, that the tv will go dead. I will have to "read" about it.

Aw geez. I'm working on a skin or something and I swear the guy looks exactly like the punk from full throtle. Copyright En-fridge-ment can suck some ga3y guy I don't know.

Monday May 3, 1999
Oh yeah, Gloom roxs. Gloom is unstopable. You can not stop Gloom. GLOOM

According to the WinAmp page...
Anyhoo, Winamp 2.12 tomorrow.
Woah.. Haven't blockquoted in a while. That is from May 2nd... so... keep checking for it.

Damn you Bill Gates look a like. You screwed my plan. Why did you get in my way, you bastard ass?? damn you. So.... close....

Sunday May 2, 1999
I forgot if I was going to say anything else. I bet while I'm updating, quake3 will be released. Those bastards.

StarCraft needs a Turbo Boost. Like Street Fighter 2 Turbo. If it could go 8x faster, it would be really fun. 2 hour games suck. Hell, 1 hour games are boring too.

That main title thing is the only good song. I think. I'm not going to bother getting the others. Anakin's theme sucks, so I'm betting the rest will too. They are all too soft. It's like listening to ...um... bad music.
Update : #5 isn't bad. Sounds Familiar though.

I have not read this article yet. But...uh.. you can read it for me.

I told you I'd archive this big piece of crap.

Tuesday April 27, 1999
Guess What. I broke a window. God damn.

This page is getting huge. I will archive it soon. Really.

Now go away, or help me pay for that window by A) Buying books. B) clicking on the headhunters banenr on my main page.

If you decide not to perform any of those actions, go and reload Evil Penguin's page while it's still a quick loader.
Site Created, Maintained, and Copyrighted by Wabut