This is a fan-run site intended for the enjoyment of other fans. "Star Trek" and all related characters and copyrighted images belong to Paramount Pictures and various copyright holders, used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended, and no money is being made from this site.

USS Polaris NCC-1839-A
Nova Class Starship

Commanding Officer: Captain Talen Snow
Personnel File# 575251-25

First Officer: Commander T'Kev
Personnel File# 564102-18

Operations Manager: Lt-Commander L'Tar Kestra
Personnel File--Not Available

Story Archive

Star Trek: IDIC

"Sunrise" by Orianna
A child is born on Vulcan.
Rated PG

Links to other Star Trek websites

Q FanFiction Library Index Archived stories starring Q.

Alt.Startrek.Creative Archive alt.startrek.creative's story archive.

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