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Time In Florida

*****There are 4 Pages for each of the 4 TV Shows, & A Cool Links Page. They All Have Great Music & Graphics. Please Be Patient, The Page Loads Slow Due To Large Graphics......NEW***** STAR TREK FIRST CONTACT MIDI*****You Can See Star Trek The Original Series On The SCI-FI Channel Every Week Day....Thank You For Transporting To My Page!!".....

This Site Is Dedicated To The Star Trek Saga.
" May It Live Forever In Our Hearts And Our Minds"

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T'Para's House of Vulcan Logic

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Star Trek The Next Generation

Star Trek Deep Space 9

Star Trek Voyager

Star Trek Enterprise

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Picture of the Month

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This Month's Picture
Defiant and DS9

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This Site Last Updated On Stardate 0810.01 At 2001 Hrs.

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