Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Him

Dawn develops a serious crush on high school football player RJ, but when Buffy gets the same feelings, it becomes clear that something unusual is happening.

Way too much of this episode is retreading familiar territory, and the fact that it admits to it with a flashback to Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered doesn't help. It's episode six of the season, so it must be a Dawn episode, and while Michelle Trachtenberg is playing a more interesting version of the character than she did last year, watching her have a crush isn't particularly interesting. If Dawn had turned out to have real feelings for RJ while the others didn't, that would have made this a little cleverer, but once she puts herself on the train tracks, it's clear she wouldn't go that far unless otherworldly forces were at work.

There are a few fun bits: Buffy's gradual falling under the spell, the girls' efforts to prove their love for RJ, especially the laugh out loud scene outside Principal Wood's window with Buffy, and the music that shows the spell taking effect. However, it takes a long time to sort the problem out when the first thought anyone has is the correct answer: it's a love spell. It seems suspicious that we don't know where the enchanted jacket came from and either lazy or vital to the ongoing story, Spike isn't given much to do, Anya is brought back into the fold with no apparent ill effects such as regular demon visits, and the wrap-up is quick and simple. More importantly, why are only Dawn and the Scoobies affected by the spell? Other girls seem to be drawn to RJ, but not in the same kind of vicious 'having to prove their love' kind of way.

There are a few good moments, then, but otherwise this is a little limp.


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