JMS' Top Ten Pet Peeves
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JMS' Top Ten Pet Peeves - by Frederick Kier

Frederick James Kier recently wrote to JMS on the net:

JMS' Top 10 Pet Peeves (not really said by JMS, but inferred from a loyal, yet somewhat fiendish fan):

10. "Hey aren't you the guy that created that great SF, it's really great to meet you Mr. Lucas!"

9. When southern fans refer to him as "Joe-Bob" Straczynski

8. Ted Turner wanting to "colorize" black and white B5 episode dream sequences/flashbacks for when they are re-running on TNT.

7. Female fans desiring to have the great maker's...well...great maker!

6. When driving down the road, looks in rear view mirror and sees a reflection of Kosh...only to discover a cast member has taped a picture of Kosh to his rear view.

5. WB constantly on the phone, demanding to have guest appearance on Babylon 5 by Pinky and the Brain (as the leaders of Psi Corps)

4. ATTN JMS: What's the combination of Sheridan's wall safe in episode... (variation of an old Sat. Night Live skit with Shatner...)

3. Andreas Katsulas popping his "eye" out at him when he's eating lunch.

2. When asked at a fast food drive-thru: "ya want some FLARN with that?"

1. Dealing with obnoxious fans online who have nothing better to do with their lives than to try to infer what his top ten pet peeves are!

Another Frederick Kier production. Frederick Kier is an obnoxious Babylon 5 fan who has nothing better to do with his life than to try to infer what JMS' top ten pet peeves are when he's never even met the man (but if he did, he'd likely go and buy JMS the beverage of his choice).

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