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My computer lab at Clifford School.


Robyn's classroom at Clifford.

An alley downtown Guangzhou. Just down the alley is Qingping Market, renowned for selling all manner of things to eat... scorpions, cats, dogs...

The full moon in September is called the 'Autumn Moon Festival' (go figure), and is the next biggest traditional holiday after New Years. Our housekeeper invited us to her small village for the festivities, which lasted all day. We were the only foreigners.

Scene from the 'down down' at the end of our the 'Hash House Harriers' weekly run. Hashing is a social club/game involving a kind of race concluding with some beer drinking. Each week about 40 people get together and hire a bus out to a random village in the countryside to do the run. The guy in the jock strap is generally the MC. This week, the theme was red dresses, so men everyone ran in one. The local villagers always love it, we seem to usually draw a crowd of at least a hundred. The general scene is usually so funny that I am oft reduced to tears.

Created: September 16, 2000
Last modified: September 16, 2000
Maintainer: Keir Paesel keir.robyn@usa.net