
1. Basic Functions

Activating the System

Turn on the main power at the main power panel. Insert the small key into the master switch and turn it clockwise as far as possible. LLC-9000 activation takes several seconds. The key does not need to stay in the master switch. It can be pulled out.

Talking to Everyone in the Room

Press ALL CALL. Your voice will be heard through the headsets and via the room speaker. You may need to adjust the room volume control. Press ALL CALL again to toggle this function off.

ALL CALL is much better and simpler than using MIX/Room SPEAKER


Playing a Program into the Room

Press ROOM SPEAKER. The startup default audio source is master recorder 1. Insert a tape and press PLAY. You may need to adjust the room volume control. Press ROOM SPEAKER again to toggle this function off.

Activating the Student Stations

On startup, all student stations are inactive. Their icons appear on the TS as grey squares. There are three ways to activate them.

  1. Tell the students to press the ATTENDANCE buttons in their stations.
  2. Press ATTEND CONTROL on the TS and then press ATTEND on the popup dialog and then the square of the station you wish to activate. Similarly, pressing ABSENT followed by a square will de-activate that station.
  3. Press ATTEND CONTROL on the TS and then press ATTEND on the popup dialog and then ALL. This will activate all the stations. Pressing ABSENT and then ALL on the popup will deactivate all the stations.

By default, the TS icon for each occupied station will change to yellow, that is, each station defaults to Group 1.

ALSO: Normal: Assigning Students to Groups

Playing a Program into the Headsets

The startup default audio source for Group 1 is master recorder 1 (TC1). Insert a tape into TC1 and press PLAY. The program will play through the headset of each active station.

ALSO: Normal: Assigning Students to Groups, Normal: Assigning a Program to a Group

Copying a Program onto Student Tapes

Tell the students to put their tapes into their recorders. The startup default audio source for Group 1 is master recorder 1. Insert a tape.

Each active station with a cassette will rewind, stop, and begin recording. After a short pause, master recorder 1 will begin to play. When the master tape is done, the stations will automatically rewind.

ALSO: Normal: Assigning Students to Groups, Normal: Assigning a Program to a Group

Listening to the Students

To listen to a student, press the corresponding station button on the touch screen. (A white frame will appear around the button.) Press it again to toggle this function off.

Scanning Monitor

Pressing FORWARD will advance listening to the next active student. The white frame will move.

Pressing AUTO will automatically advance listening to each active student, pausing for a preset interval at each station. The white frame will move automatically.

Talking to One Student

Select a student by pressing the corresponding station button on the touch screen. (A white frame will appear around the button.) Press INTERCOM. Press INTERCOM again to toggle this function off.


2. Normal Functions


Students can be formed into several groups. Each group has a distinctive icon color. "Group 1" icons are yellow. "Group 2" icons are blue. "Library" icons are purple. "Late" icons are grey. All active stations start in Group 1 by default.

Assigning Students to Groups

  1. Press GROUP MAKE. Press the Group you would like to assign students to.
  2. Either
  3. Press OK when you are done or press CANCEL to abandon the assignments.

Changing the Active Group

Press the "Group 1" button or the "Group 2" button on the TS to make that group the active group. Icons for stations in the active group are brightly colored. Icons for stations not in the active group are "greyed out". Control functions always apply to the "active group". (There is no selection for the "Library" group as this group is used for independent work.)

Assigning a Program to a Group

  1. Make the group active. (See: Changing the Active Group
  2. Press the Source Select Icon next to the active group.
  3. Select Audio and/or Video sources from the pop up menu.
  4. Press OK when you are done or press CANCEL to abandon the source assignments.

Forming Students into Pairs

3. Advanced Functions

Selecting Input Sources

Making Master Tapes

Changing the Behaviours of Some Functions

The SET button, in conjunction with certain controls, will pop up a settings window. Note that settings will be lost when the system is turned off.


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for


Pops up settings for

Alternate Functions

The SHIFT button, in conjunction with the following controls, provides an alternate function.


Alternate function is Group Call. The function is the same as ALL CALL, except the target is members of the active group only. GROUP CALL cannot reach students in LIBRARY MODE.


Alternate function is Go Back to Previous Student. The direction of the monitor scan is reversed for one step.

SHIFT + Student Operation Rewind

Alternate function is Rewind to Index 1.

SHIFT + Student Operation Fast Forward

Alternate function is Fast Forward to Index 5.

SHIFT + Student Operation REC

Alternate function is

SHIFT + Student Control FAST

Alternate function is Start Normal Function Without Rewind.

SHIFT + Student Control NORMAL

Alternate function is Start Normal Function Without Rewind.