A Special Person

I used to know a special person
She was beautiful on the inside
She always tried to be there for me
And in her I could always confide

She always seemed to care,
And she never let me fall
No matter what went wrong or right
She made sure I stood tall.

But then time interferred
And everything right turned wrong,
I realized things I had never before,
That this person had not been for long

Almost as if a spell had been broken,
I realized that I had been mistaken
Many times she hadn't been there,
And in my mind, I had been faking.

She didn't try to push me aside,
But her actions did anyway,
She forgot phone calls, RSVPS, the works
And being a fool, I forgave her, but full of dismay

Then after all of my pretending,
She told me it was me she did not like
My ways, actions, personality,
Basically, she told me to take a hike

She turned and walked away
And away she took my most important things
Our memories, but most of all our friendship
And I was left without anything.

Then I went to a friend I still had,
I has known her for just as long,
She helped me with her caring ways,
And I know this time I am not wrong

She really cares, I am sure
And she is always there for me,
I now realize that she is that person,
That special person, I had known to be.

I want to dedicate this poem to my friend Jessica. I wrote this poem about her.She is that special person. Thanks Jess!:-)

people have read this poem since 2/17/98

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