Online Friendship

Many people just can't see,
Why I chat with internet friends.
These friends can see the real me,
From all the messages I send.

They seem to care about me,
And they "listen" to how I feel.
What people can't seem to see,
IS that this is how I deal.

I'm probably closer friends,
With the people chatting with me.
Their hearts they always lend,
And the best things they help me see.

To all my net buds, I just wanted to say,
Thanks for everything you've done for me.
I appreciate your love from day to day,
And i'm glad the real me you can see.

This poem is dedicated to all the internet friends I've made along the way: Mike, Banana, Packer Mom, Co@ch, Richard, and everyone else I forgot, but especially to one of my best online friends...Katers :-). Katers-thanks for always listening to my probs, giving me advice, chatting about our Brett *SIGH*, and for just being a friend. You go girl! :-)

people have read this poem since 6/31/98

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