Lost Friendships

I feel alone like no one's there,
I just sit here and think, mope, even stare.
Mostly I ponder on what went wrong,
I thought this friendship would last real long.
I realize every mistake I made was the reason,
Apologies to everyone else, were always in season.
I never realized deep in my heart that's how they felt,
Now the thought of this all makes me wanna melt.
Why I ask, ‘cause it just made them think of me less,
I guess it's just a big, terrible mess.
So I sit and write with a lump in my throat,
Trying to cross that muddy old moat.
The moat that separates the somewhat joyous past,
With all the gloom and hurt the future will cast.
I also think of what I could've done,
If they felt that strongly, my options were none.
I glance around my room and look to do one thing,
To pack away the memories and let the future ring.

This poem is the first poem i ever wrote. it was written for Janet, Jenny, Alisha, and Michelle back in October of '97. You might not understand the meaning of the poem, but it's just about a fight i had with them...

people have read this poem since 5/30/98

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