Reglas de acentuación

Accent Rules

Rule #1 - Words that end in a vowel are normally stressed on the second-to-last syllable. A written accent is required if the final vowel is stressed.

A. Noun examples:

café = coffee
José = Joseph
olé = cheer at a bullfight
Paraná = river in South America
Potosí = a town in Mexico
Perú = a country in South America
sofá = couch

B. Verb examples:

hablé = I spoke
habló = he spoke
hablaré = I will speak
hablará = he will speak

comí = I ate
comió = he ate
comeré = I will eat
comerá = he will eat

Rule #2 - Words that end in an "n" or an "s" are normally stressed on the second-to-last syllable. When stress falls on the final syllable, an accent is required.

A. Adjective examples:

común = common

B. Noun examples:

acción = action
acordeón = accordion
adoración = adoration
alucinación = hallucination
alemán = German
ambición = ambition
andén = platform (railway)
anotación = note; annotation
Asunción = capital of Paraguay
atención = attention
aviación = aviation
avión = plane
bendición = blessing
botón = botton
caimán = alligator
cajón = box; casket
calificación = qualification; grade or standard
calefacción = heating
callejón = alley, narrow street
camión = truck
canción = song
capitán = captain
carbón = charcoal; coal
circulación = circulation
combinación = combination
competición = competition
comunicación = communication
concentración = concentration
construcción = construction
contestación (also respuesta) = answer
continuación = continuation
convención = convention
corazón = heart
corrección = correction
creación = creation
cuestión (also pregunta) = question
decisión = decision
dirección = address; direction
edición = edition
educación = education
equitación = horseback riding
exclamación = exclamation
explicación = explanation
expresión = expression
formación = formation
función = function
fundación = foundation
guitarrón = big guitar (used in a mariachi band)
habitación (also alcoba, dormitorio, recámara) = bedroom
huracán = hurricane
identificación = identification
intención = intention
invención = invention
jabón = soap
ladrón = thief
lección = lesson
lechón (also cerdo, cochino, puerco) = pig
león = lion
limón = lemon
marrón = brown
melón = melon
mención = mention
millón = million
misión = mission
nación = nation
natación = swimming
oración = prayer; sentence
pasión = passion
patín (plural patines) = skate
patrón = boss
peón = unskilled laborer
petición = petition, request
pizarrón (also pizarra) = chalkboard
posesión = possession
posición = position
pulmón = lung
ratón = mouse
razón = reason
religión = religion
reservación (also reserva) = reservation
rincón = corner (inside corner)
sección = section
selección = choice, selection
sensación = sensation
situación = situation
solución = solution
tención = tension
tentación = temptation
timón = rudder
traición = treason
unión = union
versión = version
visión = vision

autobús = bus
cordobés = inhabitant of Cordoba
francés = French
holandés = Dutch
Inés = girl's name
inglés = English
irlandés = Irish
japonés = Japanese
portugués = Portuguese
Tomás = boy's name

C. Verb examples:

comerás = you will eat
comerán = they will eat

hablarás = you will speak
hablarán = they will speak

Rule #3 - Words which end in a consonant other than "n" or "s" are normally stressed on the final syllable. An accent is otherwise required.

A. Adjective examples:

difícil = difficult
fácil = easy
fértil = fertile
frágil = fragile
hábil = skillful
móvil = movable
útil = useful

B. Noun examples:

azúcar = sugar
béisbol = baseball
césped (also hierba, pasto, sacate) = grass
dólar = dollar
fútbol = soccer
huésped = guest
lápiz = pencil

Rule #4 - Words stressed on the third-to-last syllable require an accent.

A. Adjective examples:

aéreo = air (línea aérea)
áspero = rough
automático = automatic
básico = basic
biográfico = biographical
cálido = hot
cómico = funny
cómodo = comfortable
décimo = tenth
económico = economical
eléctrico = electric
fantástico = fantastic
frenético = frantic, furious
higiénico = hygenic
húmedo = humid
idéntico = identical
íntimo = intimate
instantáneo = instantaneous
legítimo = legitimate
lícito = lawful, permitted
lógico = logical
magnético = magnetic
marítimo = maritime
máximo = maximum
mínimo = minimum
monótono = monotonous
nítido = bright, polished; clear cut
óptimo = optimal, best
pésimo = very bad, the worst
práctico = practical
próximo = next
público = public
rápido = fast
romántico = romantic
rústico = rustic
séptimo = seventh
simpático = nice
sólido = solid
trágico = tragic
trémulo = tremulous
último = last
único = unique; only

B. Noun examples:

águila = eagle
álamo = poplar tree
análisis = analysis
ánimo = courage; enthusiasm
árbitro = referee
búsqueda = search
cántico = canticle; chant
capítulo = chapter
catálogo = catalogue
catástrofe = catastrophe
científico = scientist
círculo = circle
Córdoba = city in Spain and Argentina
crédito = credit
crítica = criticism
éxito = success
fenómeno = phenomenon
física = physics
héroe = hero
hígado = liver
horóscopo = horoscope
ídolo = idol
lágrima = tear
lástima = shame
límite = limit
línea = line
luciérnaga = firefly
Málaga = city in Spain
mandíbula = jaw
máquina = machine
máscara = mask
matemáticas = mathematics
mecánico = mechanic
miércoles = Wednesday
murciélago = bat
música = music
número = number
océano = ocean
órgano = organ
página = page
pájaro = bird
película = movie
pérdida = loss
período = period
periódico = newspaper
pétalo = petal
píldora = pill
plástico = plastic
plátano = banana
póliza = policy
préstamo = loan
psicólogo = psychologist
química = chemistry
rábano = radish
sábado = Saturday
sábanas = sheets
símbolo = symbol
síntoma = symptom
sintético = synthetic
sótano = basement
teléfono = telephone
título = title
tráfico = traffic
vehículo = vehicle
versículo = verse
vestíbulo = entry hall, foyer
víctima = victim

C. Verb examples (through addition of an object pronoun):

háblale = talk to him
hablándole = talking to him

cómelo = eat it
comiéndolo = eating it

Rule #5 - Weak vowels "i" or "u" naturally create a diphthong in combination with a strong vowel "a", "e", or "o". Otherwise an accent is required.

A. Adjective examples:

frío = cold
increíble = incredible
judío = jewish
mío = mine
pío = pious, devout
vacío = empty

B. Noun examples:

alegría = joy
artesanía = crafts
batería = drums
biografía = biography
biología = biology
cafetería = cafeteria
caída = fall
caligrafía = caligraphy
carnicería = butcher shop
cirugía = surgery
ciudadanía = citizenship
día = day
dulcería = candy shop
economía = economy
fantasía = fantasy
ferretería = hardware store
florería = florist's shop
fotografía = photograph
frutería = fruit stand or shop
geografía = geography
geología = geology
guía = guide
harmonía = harmony
joyería = jewelry store
juguetería = toy store
lavandería = laundromat
lechería = dairy
librería = bookstore
Lucía = girl's name
maíz = corn
María = girl's name
membresía = membership
mueblería = furniture store
país = country
panadería = bakery
papelería = stationery store
peluquería = barber shop
pescadería = fish shop
poesía = poetry
psicología = psychology
relojería = watchmaker's shop
río = river
sabiduría = wisdom
sastrería = tailor's shop
simpatía = sympathy; friendliness
sinfonía = symphony
soberanía = sovereignty
tabaquería = tobacco store
tío = uncle
tintorería = dry cleaners
valentía = bravery
vía = way
zapatería = shoe store

C. Verb examples:

comía = I (he, she) was eating
comería = I (he, she) would eat
continúa = it continues
hablaría = I (he, she) would speak
hacía = I (he, she) was doing or making
ponía = I (he, she) was putting
varía = it varies

Rule #6 - A few words vary in function and/or meaning when accented.

cómo = how (interrogative pronoun)
como = like or as (relative pronoun)

cuándo = when (interrogative pronoun)
cuando = when (relative pronoun)

dónde = where (interrogative pronoun)
donde = where (relative pronoun)

él = he (subject pronoun)
el = the (definite article)

mí = me (prepositional pronoun)
mi = my (possessive adjective)

qué = what (interrogative pronoun)
que = that (relative pronoun)

quién = who (interrogative pronoun)
quien = who (relative pronoun)

sí = yes (interjection)
si = if (subordinating conjunction)

sólo = only (adverb)
solo = alone (adjective)

té = tea
te = you (object pronoun)

tú = you (subject pronoun)
tu = your (possessive adjective)

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