






Madison Vipassana, Inc.
Upcoming Meditation Retreats

James Baraz, October 8-11, 2009
Pine Lake Retreat Center, Westfield, WI

Myoshin Kelly & Patricia Genoud, March 20-26, 2010
St. Anthony's Retreat Center, Marathon, WI

Sharon Salzberg, July 9-11, 2010, (Non-residential retreat)
Lussier Family Heritage Center, Madison, WI

Ginny Morgan, October 7-10, 2010
Pine Lake Retreat Center, Westfield, WI

About Our Retreats:
All of our retreats are in "noble silence" and consist of sitting meditation, walking meditation, and Dhamma instructions. They are suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators. Clear and simple instruction will be presented throughout the retreat. At our residential retreats a longer discourse on the dhamma will be presented each evening. Residential retreats are held in silence except for 'interview' periods when meditators who choose can meet with the teacher to ask questions and discuss issues regarding their sitting experience. Sitting meditation periods of 45 minutes will alternate with periods of walking meditation throughout each day. Residential retreat costs are for a room (may be double) and vegetarian meals. In keeping with Buddhist tradition, there is no charge for the teachings, however donations (dana) to the teacher are encouraged.

Photos from Madison Vipassana, Inc., October 2005 retreat at Pine Lake with Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia 

OTHER  UPCOMING RETREATS in the WI region: Retreats sponsored by Twin Cities Vipassana Cooperative  group: (for details visit http://www.tcvc.info)

May all beings be happy
May all beings be peaceful
May all beings be free from suffering

begun 1996, ©2009, revised 8/9/2009
Additional links, comments, or improvements to these pages are always welcome. Please let me know what you think uppekha@yahoo.com