"For our God is a consuming fire" Heb 12:29, Deut. 4:24

Attributes of God- Who is He, anyway?
     Before we discuss anything else, I want you to understand the world view I am coming from. To do this, I believe you need to know exactly who and what I mean when I talk about God. I do not want you to believe common misconceptions many have about Him: That everything is God; that we are all God or gods, or can become so; that God is a stern, grandfatherly figure with a beard and a white robe; that since God is love everything is OK in the name of "love"; or that God is only angry and vengeful. Therefore, I am making this feeble attempt to describe the nature of God. As a finite, imperfect mortal, I could never hope to fully or perfectly describe an infinite, perfect immortal like Him, but since He is knowable, at least partly, I can try.

A. One God

B. Omnipresent

C. Omniscient

D. Omnipotent

E. Holy

F. Love

G. Good

H. Truth

I. Faithful

J. Patient

K. Just

L. Wrathful

M. Jealous

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