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fish poison wattle or soapy wattle, Acacia holosericea

oger (uk -)
oker (ug -)
in Uw Oykangand
in Uw Olkola

fish poison wattle, Acacia holosericea

The fish poison wattle or soapy wattle, Acacia holosericea (family Mimosaceae), is important because its leaves are used as a fish poison.

Lofty Yam:

This one for poison fish, little one, pull this here [the leaf] rub him, put soap in the water, oger, we call him. Put him in basket, soak him in the water.

See the Plant usage page for more information on the uses of plant products in traditional industry and subsistence.

(Photo credit: The Australian National Botanic Gargens, http://www.anbg.gov.au/images/photo_cd/301610241319/006.html)

e-mail: Philip Hamilton.