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Trees and plants of Uw Olkola and Uw Oykangand land

This is a genetic list of the trees and shrubs diagnostic of central Cape York Peninsula woodlands. The species are organised into families, and within families they are organised alphabetically by the scientific names. Click on the links in the list for more information about each species and images.

This list is based on appendix 11 (p. 249) of Cape York Peninsula: a natural history by Dawn W. Frith and Clifford B. Frith (Reed, 1995). For the present purposes the list has been augmented with various woodland tree and shrub species not on the Frith & Frith list which were encountered on fieldwork and for which there are names in Oykangand, Olkola and Pakanh.

Other reference works consulted for this work include: Eucalyptus: an illustrated guide to identification, by Ian Brooker and David Kleinig (Reed, 1996); Native plants of northern Australia, by John Brock (Reed, 1993; first published in 1988 by the author as Top end native plants); Plants of central Queensland, by Eric Anderson (Queensland Department of Primary Industries, 1993); Bottlebrushes, paperbarks and tea trees, by John W. Wrigley and Murray Fagg (Angus and Robertson, 1993); Australian native plants, by A. M. Blombery (Angus and Robertson, 1967).