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white apple, Syzygium eucalyptoides spp. eucalyptoides

ardunyj (ug -)
amuyar or imuyar (egng -)
thuntha (mayi -)
in Uw Oykangand
in Uw Olkola
in Pakanh

White apple, Syzygium eucalyptoides spp. eucalyptoides

The White apple, Syzygium eucalyptoides spp. eucalyptoides (family Myrtaceae), is a small tree of open woodland, seasonally flooded depressions and along rivers and streams. It has showy white flowers and an edible white fruit that comes out at the start of the wet season. The leaves are long, narrow and tapered, as opposed to the broad leaves of the closely related Syzygium eucalyptoides ssp. bleeseri.

This tree is valued as a source of edible fruit by Aboriginal people. For more information on plant food and the traditional subsistence of Aboriginal people in central Cape York Peninsula, see the Edible plant products page.

e-mail: Philip Hamilton.