
Alaska - I lived in Alaska for 4 years as a teenager. People think that Alaska is cold year round with nothing to do except ski all day and get chased by bears. Well, I'm here to tell you that the weather is absolutely perfect during the summer. It can reach temperatures of about 80 to 85 degrees in the summer. Sorry, but the "getting chased by bears" part is true. I've been tracked by bears on several different occasions and even have pictures (that I may get around to uploading) of bears running through our backyard, even moose.

Turkey - Now this is a place that not to many people get to visit. When the U.S. Army sent me to Turkey, I had a lot concerns about it. In the winter of 1987 I departed Ft. Carson, Colorado to Izmir, Turkey. A trip that would take me through Germany, Switzerland and finally Turkey. I arrived in Istanbul to discover that I didn't have a ticket to get me to Izmir. Here I was stuck in a country by myself without any English speaking people around to try and get some form of assistance. To top it off, two members of the Turkish Military Police constantly surrounded me. It took over 4 hours to contact a member of the U.S. Consulate to assist me in getting a ticket to Izmir. Later I found out that the two members of the TMP's were there to protect me. From this point forward, to my surprise, things got better. Many people told me horror stories about Turkey before I left. I was pretty paranoid by the time I got there. It turns out that there was really nothing to be afraid of. The people were friendly, the shopping was absolutely unbelievable and the cost of living at the value of the U.S. dollar couldn't be better in to many other places in the world. At the time I arrived at Izmir, the dollar was equal to 1000 lira. The dollar was equal to 2000 lira by the time I left and within the next year it was up to 10,000 lira. To give an example of the value of the dollar, my roommate and I had to pay 100,000 lira for rent. That amounted to $50 a month. I paid $25 and my roommate paid $25. I bought a full-length hand made leather trench coat for $125. I sold it here in the U.S. for $250. The sites are like no other in the world. The nightclubs, restaurants, holidays, and beaches are fantastic. For $10,000 in Turkey you could live like a king for a year.

UPDATE: The current currency price puts the U.S. dollar somewhere's around 10,000 Lira to the dollar. Do the math.

This is another good site if you're interested in seeing images of Turkey.

Georgia - This is where I call home. I spent my last 3 years of high school in Columbus, Georgia after leaving Anchorage, Alaska at the end of my freshman year. Georgia is one of the last remaining places that are beautiful from all four corners of the country. Some of the great sites to see in Georgia are Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, and the Okefenokee Swamp, the Georgia Coast and the Isles of Georgia.

This past Thanksgiving I finally went back to Columbus, Ga. after almost 10 years. A lot has change and for the better. My brother took me around town to show me all the different things that have occured since I've been gone. I was impressed. Austin, Texas has nothing in comparison. The soccer complex that is being bui

Texas - I've spent many years in Texas. Mores years here than any other place. Texas is the place where most of my family was born and raised. My family has a lot of history here going back 5 generations either in east Texas, central Texas and southern Texas. I've travelled all around this vast state and have seen many things, places and people. I'll try to sum them up here with links, but they will never compare to actually being there. Listed below are some sites to check out if you desire to travel in Texas. (NOTE) This section is still under construction so check back later for updates.

CityView Dallas

Dallas City Kids

Dallas View

The Science Place and TI Founders IMAX Theater

Fair Park

Stockyards Station

Sundance Square

Texas Motor Speedway


Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

Dallas Art Museum

Fort Worth Zoological Park

Log Cabin Village Historical Park

Six Flags Over Texas

Will Rogers Auditorium

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