COMPARISON. - Adjectives are compared by:
plu . . kam, more . . than. tam . . . kam, as . . . as.
min . . kam, less . . than. ne tam . . . kam not so . . . as.
maxim . . de, most . . . of. tre, very.
minim . . de, least . . . of.
E.g. : Me esas tam richa kam il, I am as rich as he (is).
El esas plu granda kam me, She is taller than I (am).
Ol esas la maxim bela de omni, It is the finest of all.
Il esas tre brava, He is very brave.
Kam is used in making comparisons, even where English does not use than:
Me preferas ico kam ito, I prefer this to that.
Translate as good as possible and similar phrases thus:
maxim bona posibla.
ADVERBS of manner are formed from adjectives by changing -a into -e:
bon-a, good ; bon-e, well. fin-a, final ; fin-e, finally.
They are compared like adjectives:
Il lektas plu bone, He reads better.

PRONOUNS. - The personal pronouns are:
Sing. : me, I, me. il, he, him.
tu, thou, thee. el, she, her.
vu, you (speaking to one person). ol, it.
Plur. : ni, we, us. vi, you (more than one person). ;li, they, them.
When necessary, the gender of they, them may be indicated by using the fuller forms: ili for the masculine, eli for the feminine, and oli for the future. And similarly in the singular lu is the common gender form of il, el, ol, corresponding to li in the plural; it is convenient in such sentences as: If the reader desires fuller details, let him or her (lu) turn to page so-and-so.
on, one, they, people:
E.g. : on dicez quon on volas, Let people say what they like.
The reflexive pronoun is su, himself, herself, itself, themselves (third person only):
Il lavas su, He washes himself.
Li lavas su, They wash themselves.
But: Me lavas me, I wash myself.

VERB. - The future tense ends in -os; the conditional in -us; the imperative ends in -ez:
Me esos, I shall be.
El vidus, she would see.
Venez hike! Come here!

AFFIXES. -er, one who habitually does something, amateur:
fum-ero, smoker. voyaj-ero, traveller.
This suffix is also used for animals or things characterized by an habitual action:
rept-ero, reptile. remork-ero, tug (-boat).
-ist, one whose profession has to do with:
art-isto, artist. fotograf-isto, professional photographer.
dent-isto, dentist. (Cp. fotograf-ero, amateur photographer.)
The suffix -ist also indicates an adherent of a party or school of thought:
social-isto, socialist. ideal-isto, idealist.
-ism, system, doctrine, party:
social-ismo, socialism. Katolik-ismo, Catholicism.
-an, member of a community, country, town or body:
societ-ano, society member. Paris-ano, Parisian.
Kanad-ano, Canadian. partis-ano, partisan.
-ier, who or what bears or is characterized by:
pom-iero, apple-tree. roz-iero, rose-bush.
milion-iero, millionaire.
Also, in a few words, holder:
plum-iero, pen-holder. sigar-iero, cigar-holder.

Me arivis en la staciono. La veturo haltis. Portisto advenis. "Ube vu iras?" il questionis. "Me iras a Paris." me respondis. - "Ka vu havas vua bilieto?" - "No!" - "Venez komprar ol en la kontoro." Me pagis la veturisto. Me donis ad il drinko-pekunio. "Hastez!" klamis la portisto. La treno departos sen vu." - "On devas vendar la bilieti plu rapide! Me volus komprar jurnalo. Ube esas la jurnal-vendeyo? Me perdis mea monetuyo: Ho no!" Esas tri kloki. La treno departas. Mea kofro esas en la pako-vagono. Til la rivido!

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James Chandler 1997.