INTERROGATIVE AND RELATIVE PRONOUNS. - Qua (singular), who, what, which (person); quo (singular), what, which (thing); qui (plural), who, what, which:
Qua esas ibe? Who is there?
La viro qua parolis, The man who spoke.
Quo eventis? What happened?.
Qui parolis? Who (plural) spoke?
La viri qui parolis, The men who spoke.
La acidenti qui eventis, The accidents that took place.
Qua is also used as an adjective:
Qua viro parolis? Which man spoke?

ACCUSATIVE. - Qua, quo, qui, when they are the object of a verb and placed before the subject, take the accusative (-n):
La viro quan vu vidis, The man whom you saw.
Quin vu vidas? Whom (plural) do you see?
Quon il dicis? What did he say?
Me ne audis quon il dicis, I did not hear what he said.

PLURAL PRONOUNS. - The adjective is invariable; but when used without a noun, it becomes a noun itself, and takes the plural, if necessary:
Blanka hundi, nigra kavali, White dogs, black horses.
La blanki, e la nigri, The whites and the blacks.
Il manjis sua pomi, el manjis sui, He ate his apples, she ate hers.

DERIVATION. - The adjective in -a forms a noun in -o having the same sense:
bon-a, good; bon-o, good one, good man.
acesor-a, accessory; acesor-o, an accessory.
Or, vice versa:
or-o, gold; or-a, golden, made of gold.

AFFIXES. - -al forms adjectives meaning "belonging to" or "relating to":
univers-ala, universal. racion-ala, rational.
-oz means "full of," "containing", "rich in":
por-oza, porous. sabl-oza, sandy.
kuraj-oza, courageous. fam-oza, famous.
-em means "inclined to":
babil-ema, talkative. oci-ema, lazy.
labor-ema, industrious.
-ik means "sick of," "suffering from":
ftizi-iko, consumptive. artrit-iko, arthritic.
alkohol-iko, alcoholic patient.
-atr means "like," "similar to," "-ish":
sponj-atra, spongy. har-atra, hair-like.
verd-atra, greenish.
-e means "having the appearance or colour of":
viol-ea, violet (-coloured). musea, mouse-coloured.
roz-ea, rozy, pink.

Give me a fork,Donez a me forketo.
I have no spoon,Me ne havas kuliero.
This knife is not sharp,Ta kultelo ne esas akuta.
Pass me the salt,Pasigez a me la salo.
May I trouble you for the bread?Kad vu voluntus pasigar la pano?
Bring me a bottle of stout,Ad-portez a me botelo de nigra biro.
Will you have a glass of ale?Kad vu deziras glaso de flava biro?
I only drink water,Me drinkas nur aquo.
Are you a teetotaler?Kad vu esas anti-alkoholisto?
Will you have some salad?Kad vu deziras salado?
Here is a fine lettuce,Yen bela latugo.
Do you take oil and vinegar?Kad vu prenas oleo e vinagro?
Here are the pepper and salt,Yen la pipro e salo.

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James Chandler 1997