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All aspiring writers need a place to start and get themselves published. Well, the management here at Black Midnight has done some scouting around the web and have found these sites.

Some of these will give you a listing of some contests, some are magazines, and some are just sites that can answer your questions about submitting your writing to publishers.

The management will try to continually add to this page, and keep this page updated. These are in no particular order, so feel free to scout these pages and we hope that you find them helpful.

New Century Writers Contest
This is a great contest to get your short story, novel, screen- or stage play into the eyes and minds of major studios and publishing companies.

The Handilinks Link Guide to Writing Resources

The Inkspot Writing Contest List.

The Byline Magazine Contest Information Page

Fiction Writers Connection: Contests Links

NCW Prizes and Publications
(This site has some great info that could probably answer a lot of your questions.)

Glimmer Train
(This magazine has some great contests.)

Poets and Writers Resources

New Writers Award 1998

Writer's Journal Writing Contests

If you know of any other sites, E~mail them here.

Make sure to check out the Links Page!