Chronos Apollonios' "Home on Olympus"

Aladdin's Genie Was A Quantum Computer:

Secrets of the Djinn, A Magickal Artificial Intelligence


It's been nearly twenty years since modern science's interest in superconductors and superconductivity produced such remarks that science was confident it could recreated the magick of the ancient flying carpet using superconductive fibers. I'm fairly confident that a convincing demonstration of the veracity of this can be generated at home by rubbing a balloon on one's head and watching those particular fibers levitate as much as an anchored material can be expected to do. Regrettably, I have done no more than mention this reference on my pages on ancient levitation, anti-gravity, and propulsion, whereas I would have enjoyed exploring this particular legend in much greater detail.

Still, I give you my every assurance that the tales from which our awareness of these magicks originate, is no less worthy of regarding as being as full of details of ancient magickal science as any of the fairy tales that great occult luminaries beseech us to take seriously, and while details of such a magick may be particular sparse in the usual places, the magick of the Genie, or Djinn, is no less worthy of attention, respect, or serious consideration.

Magick and paganism have long upheld codes of ethics and conduct comparable to those of Christendom, although they too acknowledge the possibility of evil. (Charles Leadbeater in fact has at one point proposed a scheme of biological energy that decrees that any harm that can be caused by magick is illusory or pure coincidence, whose unorthodox nature may still find correspondence in certain effects or theories, like the work of Eric Dollard with Tesla coil, or the visions of Hildegarde of Bingen). These mystical codes or ethics fully discourage both the harming and the enslavement of other creatures.

If we first experimentally presume the possibility that any spirit confined to a lamp or any other object that waits to do our bidding has no need whatsoever to be a sentient being any more than our computer or television set, we can quickly infer that such a conjuration may classify as simply another form of magickally-created artificial intelligence which fully satisfies our ethical codes.

We may consider such a genie, no matter how many signs of intelligence it may show, to be another species of our familiar crystal skulls or skull oracles, computers who perform their computations within energetic fields rather than in components. There may be no technical reason indeed that such a field may exist entirely independent of a field core, as we may perhaps see in the cases of ball lightning or magnetic bubbles. Likewise, there may be certainly no reason why such a field cannot exist in conjunction with a non-solid field core, or why such a necessarily non-linear construct cannot exhibit non-linear characteristics in phases of its physical as well as energetic behavior.

In other words, the idea of a "magickal genie" is yet one more ancient legend that is in smooth accord with general principles of contemporary science.

We have, however, perhaps our closest traditional parallel to such a construction in descriptions of the occult aspects that rigidly apply to living beings, of "forming the cloud", or perhaps another way of saying same, the misty emanations that are revealed through radionic photography, such as many images produced by Georges Delawarr. Such a comparison may, at least for some of us, remain experimental; a considerable number of classical authors already define the "cloud" as ectoplasm.

In the latter case already, however, these emanations may not necessarily constitute a mandatory presence of life, much as we have some cause to debate whether it is mandatory that ectoplasm must participate in the alchemic process of palingenics, or any time reversal phenomena which involves matter. A similar minor quandary still exists of course in the concern that the emanations revealed by Kirlian photography are genuinely distinctive of living matter, when it is possible to take such "corona-discharge" images of objects we have widely considered to be inanimate.

In cases where this ectoplasm is equated with such energies as chi or ki, we have even more reason to consider it as a phenomena more apart from living things. While living things are accumulators and even deliberate focal agents for chi, as is ectoplasm, chi is known to accumulate in nature as an apparent consequence of geography and may well be considered as a predecessor of vital living areas, not as a force which only exists because of human effort, even though many of these authors who imply otherwise are well acquainted with Oriental mysticism, feng-shui, geomancy, etc. etc.

Here, in the case of electrography or Kirlian, we may have the simple concession that any matter may be induced to display an electrographic glow, but it is the characteristics of the glow of living matter that distinguishes them, and that these forces may be shaped in turn by other more fundamental fields in the case of imaging living subjects.

In the case of the magickal genie, if we must rely on ectoplasm as a tentative explanatory tool, we may also be able to experimentally consider if only part of that particular process is truly intrinsic to animate or living energy or matter. Likewise, as in the case of the artificial intelligence that we find in the form of the crystal skull or oracular skull, we may consider the semblance of life to be a consequence that the configuration has been patterned on the patterns of intellectual tools of living, sentient beings.

We have instances already when the appearance of ectoplasm may be artificed or synthesized, including the possible process of alchemy as an exchange rather than a transmutation of elements, and we may have even more instances in the modern day when we may observe that the physical characteristics of ectoplasm occur in decidedly non-living matter as a function of now-explicable physical forces.

The discrepancies and misunderstandings may have all been allowed to arise because there, to this day, seems to be little concerted effort at making the technological distinction between what is living and what is not. Several pages of this site have been required to merely embark on some initial speculations in the area.

Thus, we can assign a probable physical label, quantum matter, to the interactive artificial intelligence that has been called the "genie", and such a thing suddenly become no more foreign that the latest scientific researches. A "holographic quantum matter computer" may be a correct term. Likewise, the artificial omniscience that legend and lore assign to such constructs as the full range of magick-related artificial omniscience may well be a function of quantum computation. Quantum computation and quantum computers are a hot topic in the news even as I write this. Quantum compouters made of quantum matter may well be the most direct and powerful route, as well a great tool for explaining many occult phenomena even more precisely than ever before.

Considering this, there are accounts of the alchemic "homunculi" that imply, because of these powers of intelligence, that what these magickians had created were in fact genies, which genies had simply not been equipped with magickal powers. In this, we may already be able to see some ancient record of formulary, if there is not a strong and rich tradition of these elements occurring in the details of "conjuration". We may not know for a fact, for example, that the contention of certain classical occultists that disincarnate spirits of less that perfect intent take many forms and practice other deceits, haven't risen erroneously because the specific conjurations or perceptual modes have only granted them this much character. This also occurs, of course, within a broader spiritual tradition which in other sundry branches might have had it that many of these individuals would have reincarnated through natural birth by such a time as they were "contacted". We may not have devised the means yet to fully ascertain whether these conjurations are genuine, and the subject continues to hold much promise.

I would like to steer here toward another important element of the concerns of this topic; I have mentioned that there is some possible relevance between the coalescing vapors that come from Alladin's lamp and the mysterious unseen vapors that appear in Georges Delawarr's radionic photography. One reason this bears repeating is that we have a broader context of "radionics" to work with, and it has been for those who do not have actual experience with radionics the fact that armed with the latest concepts in non-linear dynamics, holography, quantum computing, etc., our mark of authenticity of these fabulous achievements to look back in retrospect and observe how astutely and precociously modern this work sounds.

It also brings us to bear on the background issues. The field of radionics has had to complain about numerous impediments to progress, in the forms of jealous cynics clear through to legal restrictions that have outright forbidden practice of this science. Yet the achievements and expressions of this science, as we recognize, have been so terribly holographic in their nature that it has been a horrible sort of madness, and one which has stood purely on the weakest of purely semantic distinctions that by this very right the science of holography should be allowed, welcomed and encourage, while the science of radionics has reportedly had completely the opposite reception.

It is certainly as safe to say as it is not that these are not two separate sciences, and anyone who is so ill-equipped to fail that observation had no qualifications whatsoever to pass judgments on the matter in the first place, just as it would be safe to say that radionics is so closely related to the residual genius of ancient magick that it must certainly be legal as the latter!

At some point one may even develop the rightful suspicion that prejudice and bigotry against magick have the earmarks of being engendered by financial considerations, not spiritual ones, as the vast majority of pagans and members of other alternative traditions are undoubtedly all too keenly aware already. The blaming of "demons" supposedly related to magickal practices has a rather unsavory visible parallel in Thomas Edison's public electrocution of animals in order to sway an unsuspecting public toward technology to which he, rather than Westinghouse, owned the rights, claiming they had been "Westinghoused" to death, even through countless creatures have been "Edisoned" to death since Mr. Edision had his way.

That being said, there are very strong elements of this holographic science that is relevant to us in not only the whole science and philosophy of Einstein's pupil, David Bohm, but in the holographic science of Dr. Ruth Drown and her amazing technology. I encourage, I urge you, to learn all you can about her amazing achievements and to secure her work in whatever form it presents itself to you; we have had the good fortune that Dr. Drown's works have in the past been reprinted and offered to us by Borderlands Sciences Research Foundation, which I hold every hope will continue. What Dr. Drown was able to determine about a patient and their body from a mere blood sample is both astounding, it is phenomenally holographic.

The conservation of form, therefore, that must be so critical in establishing such a creation as a genie, has been ever-present in our modern science, just as it must have been in ancient science, and the ancients clearly possessed the understanding of nature that inevitably accompanies such technology.

We have therefore yet another leg on which to stand to debate the aspersions at the character and practices of the ancients; even though the evidence we find that they were "slavekeepers" is hilariously idiosyncratic, how do we know that any slaves that were kept were human?

It would be preposterous to layer on top of several theories already which adequately explain the abilities of the ancients to maneuver impossibly heavy blocks of stone, the suggestion that genies built the pyramids for them, and yet the suggestion is in fact a viable one, we have demonstrated here much of the technology already, and furthermore, even though it is a powerful contention that their depictions of slaves merely stylize descriptions of the physics functions that enabled magickal and effortless work to be performed by them, some of these have yet to meet with absolutely convincing correspondences. For them to prove to be even more than this, descriptions of the process and management of genies who attended these tasks, is not entirely impossible.

We have in fact been encouraged repeatedly to acknowledge, even through the Bible, that the miracle-making prowess of the Egyptian priests was nearly without equal. For the Egyptians to have enjoyed the assistance of magickally-created slaves in their endeavors is in fact a logical extention of the legends of King Solomon who enjoyed the aid of a magickal being, the "shedd", in the construction of his temple. Is not at least every Christian entitled to the same, if not every human being?

We are also encouraged by certain rumors connected with Egyptology. While the exact title of the book has eluded me amongst scores of titles such as "The Curse of Tutankhamen", "The Treasures of Tutanhkamen", "The Mask of Tutankhamen", and so forth, there is an account that a certain Mr. Hammon, it is said, came into possession of a mummified hand which bore a golden ring. At one point in the story, Mr. Hammon consigns this ring to the flames of a fire, and a mysterious, wraith-like being is released from the ring, who gives an expression of exaltation, then vanishes.

For some of us who respect the mystical tradition, Egypt is both a fountainhead of superior knowledge, and impeccable ethics. Those familiar with their literature will already know the exacting rigors of their moral texts. While we can easily conceive, and even explain, the appearance of a genie from the ring, it is almost absolutely inconceivable that they could have, or would have had to, resort to the actual confinement of a true sentient spirit in such a device.

This having been said, there are certain details of this story that may prove to be exquisitely and perhaps impossibly precocious for a charlatan to yield, such as the unusual structural properties of the ring and the manner in which this confinement is neutralized. It in fact harkens us back to perhaps our best thermodynamic interpretations of palingenics and time-reversal, and other closely related technologies, which may include the unusual structural properties associated with heavy electrons, which would have scarcely have even been rediscovered by modern man at this time.

I have long maintained before anyone willing to listen, that the ancients could easily, rather than cremate an animal body in order to produce the palingenic powder to materialize one for human consumption although this may allow them to divide the portion of the salt into parts and materialize many from the ashes of one, utilize the salts that proceed from the animal's urine as the necessary "witness" as the science that is mis-labeled "radionics" would call it, that part from which the whole may be recreated. It is an elegantly simple and generous way of accounting with many aspects of humanity keeping animals in bondage for any duration; there are Maya mural of deer imprisoned by a rope on a single leg, and whether or not this in itself is an impossible idiosyncracy, these ancient artworks along with much to be known about Northern Amerindian culture that we have accumulated in the last several hundred years, virtually scream at us that it was once so.

This is as holographic and demonstrable as Dr. Ruth Drown's own science, for in fact, this is one and the same.

This, too, tells us a great deal about the extraction of explicate (as David Bohm calls them) forms from an implicate state. What is applicable to the materialization of unliving copies of living forms, is applicable to the generation of unliving forms to be imbued with the artificial aspects of intelligence, whether they will next assume a solid physical, or an amorphous, quantum or fractional quantum, state.

At left is an image produced by Lily Kolisko by capillary dynamolysis technique, found in Peter Thompkins & Christopher Bird, "Secrets of the Soil" pg. 379; at right is an image produced by a techique of "photographing smells" from Popular Science, Feb. 1939, pg 117, produced by Prof. Henri Devaux.

Either of these are suggestive that matter in various states may possess the holographic capacity of retaining information about shape; to whatever degree the forms remain recognizable, or to whatever degree they can be deliberate made to re-organize, can be seen as related to the organizational processes of what would be referred to as a "genie".

Kolisko's image is particularly evocative of this concept of conservation of form, for in fact the caption that Bird and Thompkins have given the photo reads:

"Picture obtained by Lily Kolisko with her method of capillary dynamolysis using silver nitrate and stag's urine. Observers regularly recognized the urine as coming from a stag because to the clearly depicted antler."

This is exactly the sort of conservation of form we are seeking as support of the notion of the simplicity of form conservation in fluids and vapors, in addition to David Bohm's famous Ink Drop Experiment and related work in time reversal .

This bears great resemblance to Ruth Drown's work, and adds much veracity to my odd-sounding assertions that the ancients could use urine salts to create Palingenic copies of the bodies of game and stock animals for consumption, without killing or cremating. Those that have familiarized themselves with the classic theories of Palingenics already provided by various authors should already be able to concieve of alternate materials to both Kolisko's use of silver nitrate and Prof. Devaux's rather objectionable use of talc-covered mercury, owing to both the broader generic categories these materials belong to, and the toxicity of the paticular materials that they used.

To conclude, I will approach the simplest and yet easily recognized part of the legend last. The in the fact that Alladin rubs his lamp to summon his genie, there is an intriguing veracity; such a use of frictionally generated reversible thermodynamics or triboelectricity is easily recognizable. Much like the glossed-over explanations of invisible ink made reversibly visible by the application of mild heat, that were used to illustrate parallels to the palingenic process of resurrection, this has both remarkable parallel to the account of Mr. Hammon's ring and the role that heat plays in that story, but also to much that we would already surmise.

While there may be many reasons we cannot count on genies to be warriors at our bidding, perhaps someday soon we will effectively aspire to equal the prowess and the sensibilities of the ancients, let go of our modern servants enslaved by imposed want and the forced medium of the "almighty dollar", and be able to ask our own magickal genies for the odd occasional hand in our endeavors.


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