
"Job Switching" - See Ricky and Fred cook a wonderful meal!

"The Million Dollar Idea" - Lucy and Ethel make Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing.

"Pioneer Women" - See what happens when Lucy makes her own bread.

"Lucy Plays Cupid" - Lucy fixes Mr. Ritter a superb supper.

"The Freezer" - Lucy buys all kinds of beef for her freezer.

"The Diner" - Watch as the Ricardos and Mertzes try to cook in their diner.

"LA At Last" - See Lucy eat spaghetti and meatballs as William Holden stares at her.

"Paris At Last" - Lucy tries out Paris cuisine.

"Building A Bar-B-Q" - Watch as Lucy eats her first meal from the new Bar-B-Q.

"Lucy Changes Her Mind" - Lucy can't make her mind up as to what she wants for supper.

"Visitor From Italy" - Lucy gets to make pizzas in a real pizza place.

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