The Santiago Chile Temple

of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Santiago Temple was a reaction to the Church's amazing growth in South America. In 1959 there were 450 members of the Church in Chile, in 1988, five years after the Santiago Temple was dedicated, Chile became the fourth country in the world to have 50 stakes, now it has nearly 100. The Apia, Nuku'alofa, and Sydney temples are copies of the Santiago Temple.

The temple was announced in April 1980.
Ground was broken and construction begun on 18 February 1981.
The cornerstone was laid and the temple dedicated on 9-11 August 1983.
There are 3 Sealing rooms and 2 Ordinance rooms in the 13,020 square foot temple.
The spire is 76 feet tall.
The Santiago Temple serves stakes in Chile.

Pictures of the Interior:

One of the three Sealing Rooms.
Source: Open House Brochure.

One of the three Endowment Rooms.
Source: Open House Brochure.

The Celestial Room.
Source: Open House Brochure.

Rooms not Pictured:
The Baptistry
2 Sealing Rooms

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