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Advaitin Mailing list is an electronic Spiritual Forum to exchange viewpoints focusing on Shankara's Advaita Philosophy. Advaita is based on the ancient Vedic Scriptures, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Brahmasutras. According to Shankara, Brahman, the infinite consciousness, is the sole reality. Shankara establishes the essential identity between Atman and Brahman. In the ultimate analysis, Advaita Vedanta holds that all that exists is only Brahman. The plurality of living and nonliving beings of the entire universe is indeed nothing but Brahman. The ignorance of this astonishingly simple truth leads to the misery. The individual Atman is also ultimately not different from Brahman, and realization of this important doctrine is Salvation (Moksha.) A number of national and international institutions have drawn inspiration from this philosophy which include Shankara Maths, Ramanashramam, Vivekananda Foundation, Aurobindo Ashram, Sivananda Ashram, Ramakrishna Mission, Satyasai Baba Center, Chinmaya Mission, Vedanta Mission, Sachidananda Ashram, Arshavidya Gurukulam, Society of Abidance in Truth, Advaita Fellowship, Self Realization Fellowship, Universal Spirituality, Krishnamurti Foundation, etc.

The Internet contains an ocean of literature on Hindu Scriptures and Vedanta Philosophy and the list welcomes discussions and postings that can bring new insights. The list moderators want to assure the members that the list has no intention to curtail any serious discussions on spiritual subjects that have close resemblance to Advaita Vedanta. The list encourages a wide range of discussion topics focusing on Shankara, pre-Shankara and post-Shankara Advaita Philosophy. The list moderators want to acknowledge the fact that Advaita Philosophy can't be studied in isolation and consequently will support spiritual discussions related to Vaishnavam, Shivam, Buddihsm, Jainism and others. However such discussions should help members to get better insights on Advaita Philosophy. Discussions can go beyond Indian culture and philosophy and the discussants are welcome to post their personal experiences. The moderators will not hesitate to exercise their right to curtail discussions when they drift away from the primary focus.

This list is truly dedicated to Vedavyasa, Shankara, Ramana Maharishi, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and other sages and saints of East and West who have dedicated their life time on nondual philosophy. The list intents to facilitate meaningful discussions in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere with several key goals:
To understand the nature of Ultimate Reality and to find the relationships between all the entities
To comprehend self-realization transform that realization into actions that are good for human society
To describe such realizations and actions using simple but crisp language understood by most humans.
To motivate the beginners in philosophy and help them to understand and appreciate the message of Scriptures.
To help members to develop an attitude to appreciate that every human being is good in his/her own way.

Advaitin List Guidelines
1. Though the primary emphasis focuses on Advaita Vedanta of Saint Shankaracharya, members have full freedom to express broader aspects of nondual philosophies, activities and news related to Institutions that support Vedanta Philosophy.
2. The list will facilitate courteous exchange of viewpoints from members with different background. Eastern and Western thoughts on nonduality will be explored in greater detail. Members can exchange their views on Yogas (Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and also Raja and Kundalini), book reviews, and quotations both from East and West on Spirituality.
3. Members are prohibited to use this list to sell commercial products but they are encouraged to use this forum to inform about books, tapes, lectures, cultural programs and URL addresses on spiritual topics.
4. The new members are required to send a short paragraph of self introduction within two weeks after they receive the welcome mail. This introduction will help the moderator and other members to get acquaintance with the background, interests and needs of the new member.
5. All postings should be in text format (ASCII) and mails with attachments will be deleted by mailing list provider to prevent the spread of computer virus.
6. The list prohibits discussants to engage in personal attacks and remarks demeaning other religions, other
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