Todd's Home off the air...

Radio x.t.c ... The only Radio DJ from the Soufside

If you are wondering why there is string and tape that just shows how Radio stations WKCA 107.7 FM and WIKO 96.3 FM operate when I am there.. If you listen you just might hear me.. If you are LUCKY enough to be in the area..of Owingsville or Morehead, Kentucky...
Wanna know about my other job and stuff check out my Profile Click here to view it.


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Please check this out..This is my sports page.

Oh if you like sports, and Playstation games check out my new page. Click HERE.

visit this page again and i might have something else done to it.. Soufside productions..... Memberships are available by contacting any members... To join just e-mail some other member.

LE FastCounter

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This page was last updated on 3/8/1999
WKCA and WIKO are owned by Gateway Radio Works inc.
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