Who's on Who's next Interviews Special

Primetime Chat


Sorry about the wait. This week has been fulled with problems. This week there is only one interview because no one has time for interviews so I'm going to drop to 1 or 2 guest a show. Now we got some challengers. Mike Paciga was almost killing me for an interview he had some guy interview, I mean if you want a a good laugh check this out. PRIMETIME

Did you Know

IWA managers, are taking up professional wrestling. John Medlin and Patrick Patterson. Primetime wishes them luck in the IWA and their wrestling careers.

Coming Soon, Primetime will be association with IWA world. Look for for thing like fueds, leagues, profiles, etc. If anyother IWA related page would like to page would like to be association with PRIMETIME please e-mail your web pages banner, and some suggestions. PBT02@nni.com.

Headquarters of the new IWA world

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