Vaalmeeki Raamaayan

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Index of Names

Many names have been mentioned in Vaalmeeki Raamaayan . It is difficult for anybody to remember all the names. A list of most names mentioned in Vaalmeeki Raamaayan is given here according to their first appearance in the Raamaayan along with a brief description. They are not referenced in Raamaayan, but if you come across any name about which you want to know:

You may click on "Names" at the top of the page. This click will bring you on this page. 

Then you may click on "Next" to go to the names page.

Names A-Z - This list gives all the main names

Names 2 - This list gives the list of very unusual names

After reading about the name you may click "Back" button of your browser twice to go back to your page where you came from.

In the Names description, some words, normally names, appear as bold. These are those names which are included in this list.




Created by Sushma Gupta on 5/27/03
Updated on